
2008-07-01 9:15 pm
請各位幫手翻譯下以下見工時的問題答案(如果答案不好,大家可以幫忙改下), 非常感謝!
個POST係 Sales Representative

1.Why do you want to do this job?

2. Can you tell me something about yourself?
我中五程度, 現時係XXX公司做收銀員, 主要係負責收錢同客戶溝通, 服務客戶。我有良好的與客戶溝通的技巧, 待人親切。

3. How did you learn about this post?

4. What do you think we expect of this post?
你哋期望將你哋公司(係台灣)的健康食品和飲品推銷到香港, 希望能請到一個對貴公司產品熟悉和有熱誠的人, 能協助貴公司儘快將產品打入香港巿場。

5. What are your strengths?

我有良好的溝通技巧, 有創意和有責任感, 良好的英語、廣東話和普通話, 我一向注重健康所以對健康產品有一定的認識

6. What are your weaknesses?

7. Why should we employ you?
(呢度唔識答, 可以幫我回答嗎)

8. Why are you leaving your present job?
現時的工作讓我學到好多嘢, 但我希望嘗試不同的工作,

9. If I employ you, how long are you going to stay here?
(呢度唔識答, 可以幫我回答嗎)

10. How would you see yourself in five years?
希望學習多D, ready做一些新的post (公司裏的)

11. How do you think you can contribute to our company?
(唔識答, 咁答得唔得)

12. Do you have any questions?
(呢度唔識答, 我應該問些咩問題呢)

多謝呢位朋友, 但我想要英文答案, 不知邊位可以幫我將D中文答案譯返英文

回答 (2)

2008-07-08 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案

7.Certainly is you has the superior place, is this company hoped finds
the candidate, is advantageous to the company... Therefore is the
department = your answer 5 (your strong point) + your answer 11 (you
to fledgling firm contribution).

9.Does each work, I all can plan long does, cannot easily consider
transfers the labor, so long as I can have display manager's
opportunity. This certainly is not a scope which I controls, but I may
pledge, I can do one's best, to achieve well.

11.Very good infiltrate using mine strong point and the skill company's
product the Hong Kong field certainly to need to answer, because
interviews just is precisely a give your sell opportunity, if links you
all not to know, does not do, also nobody may help you. Each person
always some merits, put mention may!

12.No,i have no questions.
參考: 我
2008-07-02 1:50 pm
基本上, 你己回答了幾乎所有問題, 只剩下問題 7, 9, 11 & 12。 等我試一試 ,睇下是否會你心意。

7. Why should we employ you?
(呢度唔識答, 可以幫我回答嗎)
一定係你有優勝的地方, 是該公司希望找到的人選, 對公司有利…
所以即是係= 你的答案5 (你的強項) + 你的答案11 (你對新公司的貢獻)。

9. If I employ you, how long are you going to stay here?
(呢度唔識答, 可以幫我回答嗎)
做每份工作, 我都會打算長做下去, 不會輕易考慮轉工, 只要我能夠有發揮所長的機會。 這個並不是我控制的範圍, 不過我可以承諾, 我會盡心盡力, 做到最好。

11. How do you think you can contribute to our company?
(唔識答, 咁答得唔得)
一定要答, 因為面試就正正是一個俾你sell自己的機會, 如果連你自己都唔知, 唔做, 亦無人可以幫到你。 每個人總有些優點, 放胆講出來就可以的!

12. Do you have any questions?
(呢度唔識答, 我應該問些咩問題呢)
我自己一般唔會問這個問題, 因為如果問得不恰當, 反為會俾對方反問返。

2008-07-02 14:45:46 補充:
你話面試時人地會用英語發問的, 那麼, 你是否己準備了英文的答案呢? 否則, 即使你中文答案的內容無論有幾好, 英文都發揮唔到!!

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