Sea 同 Ocean 嘅分別?

2008-07-01 2:29 pm
Sea 同 Ocean 嘅分別係?

Sea ocean

回答 (4)

2008-07-01 6:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Oceans are the largest bodies of water on Earth. These vast waters separate continents. Seas are much smaller than ocean and they are part of the ocean. Caribbean is part of the Atlantic ocean, so are Mediterranean, Northern, Irish, Celtic seas. They usually separate smaller land masses, but there also could be open water… such as Sargasso Sea around Bermuda to disntinguish specific area of the ocean.
Today, the world ocean is generally divided into four main oceans
The Atlantic ocean
The Pacific ocean
The Indian ocean
The Arctic ocean
In ancient and pre-Colombian times, the world was believed to have many seas.

The Red Sea
The Mediterranean Sea
The Persian Gulf
The Black Sea
The Adriatic Sea
The Caspian Sea

I hope this can help you!
參考: myself and internet
2008-07-08 11:34 pm
At Yahoo Dictionary, I saw that sea and ocean are the same海洋.

I asked some(about 2-3) people, and they said both are same. Just only sea is more常見.

2008-07-08 15:37:19 補充:
I you don't believe, go to the website

to compare it out.

2008-07-08 15:39:21 補充:
Sometimes, names give to the seas and oceans cannot suggest the name.
2008-07-02 1:32 am


北冰洋: 13223000平方千米
地中海: 2509000平方千米




2008-07-01 17:45:07 補充:
Sorry, Is ∵13223000>2509000
參考: me(絕不能抄襲), me(絕不能抄襲)
2008-07-01 3:15 pm
Ocean only has one meaning.
Sea have three meanings.

Ocean: the sea that surround the continents.
Sea: the salt water that covers most of the earth's surface,
a large lake,
a large area of something.
參考: Oxford Pocket School Dictionary

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