2 Algebra Questions!!!?

2008-06-30 3:53 pm
1. One side of a square is 5n inches long. Another side is n + 16 inches long. Write an equation by setting these equal and solving for n. How long is a side of the square? One point for finding n and one point for finding the length of the side.

2. In the class elections, Connie received 53 more votes than Cart. In all, 221 votes were cast for the two candidates. How many votes did each receive. One point for the equation, one point for the solution.

show steps please!!!

回答 (4)

2008-06-30 3:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since all sides of a square are equal, one side being 5n and the other side being n+ 16 must be the same:

5n = n + 16
4n = 16
n = 4

5(4) = 20
(4) + 16 = 20

So n = 4, and the sides of the square are 20 in each.

n = votes for Connie
t = votes for Cart

We're told that 221 votes were cast, so:

n + t = 221

and told that Connie received 53 more, so:

n = 53 + t

We now have two unknowns and two equations, solve by substitution:

n + t = 221
(53 + t) + t = 221
2t = 168
t = 84

Cart got 84 votes.

n = 53 + t
n = 53 + 84
n = 137

Connie recieved 137 votes.
2008-06-30 6:11 pm
5n = n + 16
5n - n = 16
4n = 16
n = 16/4
n = 4

5n inches
= 5(4) inches
= 20 inches each side of the square

= = = = = = = =

x = Connie's received votes

x + (x - 53) = 221
x + x - 53 = 221
x + x = 221 + 53
2x = 274
x = 274/2
x = 137

137 - 53
= 84
∴ Connie received 137 votes, Cart received 84 votes.
2008-06-30 4:22 pm
Question 1
5n = n + 16
4n = 16
n = 4
Length of side = 20 ins.

Question 2
Let Carl have x votes.
Connie has x + 53 votes
x + x + 53 = 221
2x = 168
x = 84

Carl has 84 votes
Connie has 137 votes
2008-06-30 3:58 pm


Connie = 137

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