
2008-06-30 8:28 pm


回答 (2)

2008-07-01 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
大陸開戶,-- 建設` 工商` 農業`及中國銀行
是中國四大銀行, 全國最多分行.各省市镇巷都有,
例如: 定三個月, 可選擇自動續期,
中途若急需提款, 可選擇提取一部份的存款, 這計簿仔利息, 剩下來的, 則繼續享有三個月的息率, 不過這定期之內提取存款, 則要全部提取, 當然可以將剩餘的再立即存入. 至於, 為方便 消費及提款,, 申請一張提款卡, 年費十元
注意: 開戶要用回鄉証 ``內地住址``電話,, 我就用親戚的, 因作聯絡用.
2008-06-30 9:06 pm
I think you ask the saving account. For Hong Kong people in ShenZhen area I suggest to use 建設銀行 since they have many branches and you can use ATM machine to draw money same as bank in Hong Kong. The interest rate is higher than Hong Kong and you need to present you HK I.D. Card and fill the application form.

Other suggestion is 招商銀行 and 中國銀行 becasue they are biggest banks in China. But they do not have so many branches compare with 建設銀行.

Current I using the 招商銀行 since it is close to my ShenZhen Office.

Hope this information can help you.
參考: Personal experience.

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