
2008-06-30 6:12 pm

回答 (3)

2008-07-04 8:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案

雞糊--chicken hand
平糊--common hand
門清--all concealed hand
槓上花--added glory to a gong
對對糊--all triplets
小三元--junior 3 chiefs
大三元--grand 3 chiefs
混一色--mixed one suit
海底撈月--catching the moon from the bottom of the sea
清一色--pure one suit
大四喜--grand 4 happiness
小四喜--junior 4 happiness
字一色--all honor tiles
十三么--13 terminal tiles
天糊--heavenly hand
地糊--earthly hand
筒子--the circle tiles
索子--the bamboo tiles
萬子--the character tiles
番子--the honor tiles
花牌--flower tiles
詐糊--falsely declaring a win
大/小相公--long or short hand
搶槓--robbing a gong
上--claiming a tile to match a sequence
碰--claiming a tile to match a triplet
槓--claiming a tile for a quadruplet
胡--claiming a tile to win
2008-07-01 5:51 am
Dots: named as each tile consists of a number of circles. Each circle is said to represent copper (銅, tóng) coins with a square hole in the middle.

Bamboos: named as each tile (except the 1 Bamboo) consists of a number of bamboo sticks. Each stick is said to represent a string (索, sǔo) that holds a hundred coins. Note that 1 Bamboo is an exception. It has a bird sitting on a Bamboo. This is a belief that players cannot draw or add bamboo sticks to 1 Bamboo to change the tile to some other Bamboo.

Characters: named as each tile represents ten thousand (萬, wàn) coins, or one hundred strings of one hundred coins.

Wind tiles: East (東, dōng feng), South (南, nán feng), West (西, xī feng), and North (北, běi feng).

Dragon tiles: red, green, and white.
- Red tile ("中"榜, zhōngbǎng) means you pass the examination and thus will be appointed a government official.
- The green tile ("發"財, fācái,literally "Get Rich") means, consequently you will become financially well off.
- The white tile (白版,báibǎn,literally "White Tile") means that because a person is doing well they should act like a good, incorrupt official.

The 4 flower tiles include plum梅, orchid蘭, chrysanthemum菊, and bamboo竹.
The 4 seasonal tiles include spring春, summer夏, autumn秋, and winter冬.
參考: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahjong
2008-06-30 6:47 pm



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