
2008-06-30 9:20 am

回答 (7)

2008-06-30 5:56 pm




因為你曾經失去過 , 所以對於未來你就會更加珍惜~~~~~~~~~~

2008-06-30 3:54 pm

2008-06-30 11:16 am
2008-06-30 10:46 am

參考: 台灣人
2008-06-30 10:38 am
you want comfort?

Or you want to face the truth?

Sorry I am not here to comfort you, but I want to help you.

The more you want to forget, the less you can forget. Since all the pasts are memories, and can you forget what is unhappy and just stay what is happy?

Memories, no matter it is sweet or bitter, is already something past. Can you step out of the past, let all the past die?

If you cannot , then you will be trapped in the past, right?

Have you tried to concentrate on one thing? If you are so concenrtaed on what you are now doing, then past memories is not so easy to come out.

And One thing I have to point our, you haven't lose anything, you just step back to the days you haven't felt in love, and at that time, you can still survive, iesn't it?

Now you are very lonely, what do you do? You condemn it? Or you hide from it?

Have you tried to just accept I can't forget her/him!, and you don't do anything? Including saying,: NO I don't want memories more"

When your heart breaks, look at it, don't do anything, just sit, watch, don't make any conclusion.

Don't hide from the truth, the truth is you cannot forget, but you say you have to forget, you are fighting the truth, and no one can win the truth, since truth is truth, right?
參考: me
2008-06-30 10:10 am
You are lucky that you are 失戀. Because 戀愛即亂愛,一定吾多吾少也會影响學業,難理知。成績不好在將來工作上及賺錢能力一定差一點。那條給你挑選的龍也就沒可能排到外太空。反而可能是你要排隊等人家來挑選你,那就可悲了! So, study hard, get good result. Because of 明天會更好。

Forget Pass. You are still young. Very young. 為自己定下目標,為目標而奮鬥! Yea!
努力加油!努力加油! 努力加油!努力加油! ...

2008-07-01 00:19:24 補充:
I'm happy to know you are boy. That's 成績 is much more important for your future. Girls are more looking for the truth --- what you can give. Not only how much you love her.
愛情飲水飽 is not satisfy for現代社會。Because of cannot forever. 所以長痛不如短痛,時間可冲淡一齊。
參考: HKC
2008-06-30 9:36 am
後生仔女,日後大把機會,讀完書大排機會 la!



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