Do I have ghosts in my home?

2008-06-30 12:32 am
we have recently bought a house which is about 30 years old and moved in 2 months ago. The first day I entered with my 2 year old son, as i opened the front door he just froze stared and pointed at the wall ahead and said whats that and followed something round the corner. My 4 year old son is too scared to go to the toilet alone since we moved in here and would rather wet the bed, he screams that he is scared in the night every night and told me he could hear something that sounded like somebody making clicking noises with their mouth. The other day I was home alone with my 2 year old and it was daylight, i was dressing him in his room and he looked out into the hallway and jumped out his skin and screamed and hid behind me and covered his eyes and wouldn't look, i asked him if there was somebody there and he said "yes" I asked him what they looked like and he said "all black", he didn't want to walk into the hallway. I have seen shadows pass by twice now. am now getting scared.

回答 (21)

2008-06-30 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Personally, I don't believe in ghosts. However, when you live in a 30 year old house, then you FEEL like there ARE ghosts. In addition to its age, it might be that you live in a deserted place with very few people in your neighborhood or might not have a neighborhood at all. But come on, the kid is only 2 years old. My nighmares didn't go away until I was 12 years old. You can't blame him or the ghosts. peace out.
2008-06-30 7:37 am
Sounds paranormal to me. Kids and animals have a tendency to "see" things adults don't. I don't know what's going on there, but if it is a ghost, that doesn't necessarily mean it's evil. I would talk to my pastor or priest for guidance.
2008-06-30 7:37 am
Contact Stephen King for Movie Rights,,
2008-06-30 7:38 am
yeah Carlos i think your right
2008-06-30 7:36 am
2008-06-30 8:16 am
give it time and if ur kids are still scared i recommend u change the house.....
2008-06-30 8:00 am
well first off don't hyperventilate. Children see many things adults cant.. maybe you should go to a local church and have the house blessed and cleansed. if this doesn't work... try this tip from Sylvia Browne(world renowned psychic) go on the outside of your house with salt and say if your not of god leave my house.. whoever you are you are dead go to god. also go throughout the house with salt and holy water. good luck ps... Look up your lands history you may even get a name so that you can call them out by name and tell them to go to god.
2008-06-30 7:53 am
I think you do have some sort of spirit in your home... young kids especially are really open to seeing those sorts of things. Since it seems to be a darker spirit, i would suggest having a priest/minister bless the house.
2008-06-30 7:52 am
Sounds like you have something going on there. It's your home take charge, most homes that are haunted, usually it's not nothing that's evil. But you can do many things, like bring in a priest, ghost hunters, but it don't mean that it would go away. Have your family around the table, speak out loud let the ghost know that it's your home, and for them if more than one to leave. And if not, to at least not scare the child since the child is sensitive in more than one way.
Prayer is usually a good way to start, ask God to bring in good spirits to protect. This does work, it worked for me anyways. SAGE put it in all corners of your home, that brings in good spirits too.
If you can communicate with this ghost, you may just find out it's harmless. Time would speak for itself. You can move, but they are everywhere I every been, or they can follow as well. Take charge of your home, tell it, this is my home now.
2008-06-30 7:49 am
Check the house walls basement floor closets. Buy a dog and if it howls at night get out. or get a cat they could see what you can't see. if both animals don't act up there's nothing wrong with the house. You could also have a priest bless the house. oh and get night light in the hallways.Cause I think your son is afraid of the dark.
2008-06-30 7:48 am
I think you should let him sleep in your room for a few times untill he is ready to go back to his room to sleep. Maybe he is scared because of the size of the house. Try to make his room and the whole house a little more noisy. He may be imagining things. But sometimes you have to belive him, he maybe telling the truth. When I was younger, there was a lizard in my room when I was in bed, I called my parents too come to my room to see it but the lizard quickly hide.
If your son is too scared for maybe a month or two, take your son to a hotel or a relatives home if needed. Everyone have to like the house. Try to make him interested in the house, make a small play area for him. play games inside the house....
2008-06-30 7:43 am
i have studied the super-natural for a period of time, and there could be a possibility that a spirt roams the home you have just purchased. If you can, try to find out things about the previous owners, and if any deaths have occured in that house. Children more then adults, can see or feel the spirits energy. That could be the reasons for your sons acting up.
If there was any deaths that occured in your home previously, there is a chance that their spirit has not crossed into what they call "the light" and had not made his/her way into a peaceful place. This could cause the spirit pain, and they are visitng places they have been and trying to find exits to calm and peaceful areas. Remeber, if you are this afraid of these possible hauntings, you can always look the religious ways and bring a bishop or what not to bless your home. And then again theres always mediums that can help. Hope i helped (:
2008-06-30 7:43 am
u can buy a bored that tells u if u have ghost. I forgot what it is called. My friend got one it said she had three at her beach house. If u believe in that type of stuff.
2008-06-30 7:41 am
did you bless the house before you moved in if not you are in big trouble just have your pastor bless your house ( only if you really trust him) and you should be fine.
2008-06-30 7:41 am
Wow, well first of all there has to be a logical explination for all of this. Usually, children tend to "see" ghosts/spirits all around the house at a young age. Try sleeping in the same room as your son for a while to see if there are acutally "clicking sounds" being done. It could very well just be pippes or the wind. Try to remain optomistic and don't panic around your son. I personally don't believe in ghosts but if you continue not to feel comfortable in this house, I really don't know what to do about that. If there's any possibility of selling it, do so. BEST OF LUCK!
2008-06-30 7:39 am
Dont worry, just like you ive had a traumatising experience with ghosts, it involved a quiji board too. What i would do is first check out the history of your home, see if any deaths or anything have occured there. Then, you should call paranormal investigators. Theres a show called Ghost hunters, their name is TAPS, you might be able to get a hold of them. Or maybe some other agency that involves with the paranormal. You should probably check your lands history first just to make sure that something eerie like a death has occured there. Then you can call the paranormal agency and tell them of the history of your house. Try to stay out of the house as much as possible too, living in a house you think may be haunted can traumatize you for life. GL! And remain calm and comforting for your sons sake, and stay near him at all times.
參考: Bad experience with a Quiji board. :(
2008-06-30 7:39 am
One of the regrets that I still have is that I was not able to get my then six year old daughter out of a house that was definitely haunted, she is 27 years old and it still bothers her about the house we once lived in. Get that baby out of the house asap. I am so serious. I know it's not going to be easy but as soon as you are able get out.
2008-06-30 7:38 am
Take your son to a doctor, and if all is just fine and dandy with him, then you can start assuming you have ghosts.
2008-06-30 7:37 am
thats really creepy. :[
2008-06-30 7:37 am
I can understand your son taking this notion seriously but . . . how old are you? Ugh . . .
2008-06-30 7:36 am
No, but if anything they are demons

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