At what point will you cancell your auto insurance and stop driving altogether - $10, $15, $20 a gallon gas?

2008-06-29 3:14 pm
Experts predict gas prices will reach $7 a gallon in the near future. Are you considering taking public transportation instead of driving if you have not already done so?

回答 (7)

2008-06-29 3:23 pm
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$10 would do it for me ! ... Life would be VERY difficult !
2008-06-29 10:21 pm
In todays society and economy, I dont believe people will stop driving mostly bc of the places they have to go and the distance they have to travel. If anything they will probably just buy a car that is better on gas.
2008-06-30 7:54 am
$7.00 will do it for me.
2008-06-30 3:37 am
Actually, I don't worry about gas prices as much any more. I've converted my car and almost doubled my gas mileage. It was very easy and I recommend it to anyone, especially people on a budget.
2008-06-29 10:49 pm
I really don't think even $10/gallon gas is going to stop many people from driving. When you do the math, it would make the cost of driving a sedan the equivalent of driving a HUMMER or a large SUV today, which many people have no problem doing. So, while I'm sure those prices would get people on a short budget off of the road, I'm sure many would just pay the prices.
2008-06-29 10:46 pm
We definitely don't drive as much these days and you really think of where you have to go! I would say to completely stop driving it would have to be $15 a gallon otherwise we have to get to certain places. Public transportation does not take us to all these places.
2008-06-29 10:23 pm
nope i would just switch to an all electric car. gas wouldnt reach 7 bucks a gallon for a few years, mayb 2012. by then they should have some nice electrics cars that arent extremely small and ugly.

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