Experts predict gas prices will reach $7 a gallon in the near future. Are you considering taking public transportation instead of driving if you have not already done so?
In todays society and economy, I dont believe people will stop driving mostly bc of the places they have to go and the distance they have to travel. If anything they will probably just buy a car that is better on gas.
Actually, I don't worry about gas prices as much any more. I've converted my car and almost doubled my gas mileage. It was very easy and I recommend it to anyone, especially people on a budget.
I really don't think even $10/gallon gas is going to stop many people from driving. When you do the math, it would make the cost of driving a sedan the equivalent of driving a HUMMER or a large SUV today, which many people have no problem doing. So, while I'm sure those prices would get people on a short budget off of the road, I'm sure many would just pay the prices.
We definitely don't drive as much these days and you really think of where you have to go! I would say to completely stop driving it would have to be $15 a gallon otherwise we have to get to certain places. Public transportation does not take us to all these places.
nope i would just switch to an all electric car. gas wouldnt reach 7 bucks a gallon for a few years, mayb 2012. by then they should have some nice electrics cars that arent extremely small and ugly.