Does anyone else really hate the Twilight cast?

2008-06-29 8:18 am
I'm not a raging fan, or anything, but I'm not sure if I can go see the movie.
Robert Pattinson (playing Edward Cullen) is an OKAY choice, but they certainly could have done better, or at least given him red hair.
But the actress I'm really ticked about is the girl playing Bella. She's a good actress, but she just seems very... off for this part. I guess she's just better at playing an easily scared "victim" character, and that clashes with my view of the books.
Not that it's a huge deal, but I wonder if I'm standing alone on this, or if anyone else thinks the same way.

回答 (2)

2008-06-29 8:27 am
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i dont HATE the cast, they're ok. and i think twilight is such a nice book. i think they should have gotton a better guy to play edward too! and i agree with you that the girl playing bella isnt really right for this part. she looks so timid and quiet, but i heard she is a good actress too! yeah i think they should have got another actor to play bella.
2008-06-30 2:20 pm
I agree with above that they could have found a better person for Edward.

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