
2008-06-30 6:21 am
I would be careful about referring to them as 'villagers' as he did.


回答 (5)

2008-06-30 2:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Explanation :

- I would be more careful about – this part is clear
- Referring to them as “villagers” - refer (in this sentence it should be mostly in talking) to them (someone) as villagers (villagers here is a negative word, similar to our saying of treating other people as country boy – a guy who knows nothing)
- As he did – same as he did (he referred them as villagers, which is impolite)

So the whole meaning of this sentence is quite clear :

I will not repeat his mistake and I will be more careful – He referred them as “villagers” and I would not.

- refer someone as someone – is a simple way of metaphor – I refer him as my lover / Sally refer Mary as a hero, etc.
- There is no difficult grammar part in this sentence

When you have problem in understanding the clear meaning of a sentence, try to delete all the decorative words / unnecessary words / adverb / adjectives, etc. and then you can see a simple sentence which makes you easier to understand the meaning. After this you can add back the deleted words part by part and see if there is any change in the meaning or sentence structure. Finally you can have a clear understanding of the sentence.

參考: Myself
2008-06-30 9:32 pm
We do not know whether "I" will refer to them as 'villagers' or not.
If we mean to say we wont do what he has done, we will say "I would be careful not to refer to them as 'villagers' as he did.

referring to them as ...
We use 'as' after verbs like treat, regard, refer to, etc. to bring out a noun in the predicative.
e.g. treat him as a fool
regard them as angels

"Refer" is always followed by "to", sometimes with an object in between.
Refer a patient to a doctor.
Refer to Mary as his angel
Refer the enquiries to the information desk.
Refer to you notes.
2008-06-30 8:54 pm
這句英文不複雜, 但最容易令中國人理解錯的是 "refer to" 這個動詞
refer 雖是"參考", 但refer to 就只是 "稱之為"之意.
refer to them as villagers 只是等於 call them villagers, 中文譯為 "稱他們為鄉下人", 和參考沒有關係
要表達 "把某人稱為 xx"這意思, refer to 要加 as (如上述的例子, refer them as villagers). call 就不需要.
最後三個字 "as he did" 只是附加了一些信息. 句子前部份說: "我會小心言詞, 不會稱呼他們為鄉下人", 這意思已很完整. as he did 附加的信息, 是另外有人稱那些人為鄉下人, 我不會學他. 譯為中文成為
<我會小心言詞, 不會像他那樣稱呼他們為鄉下人>
所以 as villagers 的 as 和 as he did 的 as 在文法上沒有甚麼關連
2008-06-30 6:49 pm
I would be careful about referring to them as 'villagers' as he did.
The exact meaning of your sentence should read as:
I would be more careful after villagers' advices about what he did.
You may use 2 "as" only under one condidtion: an adjective, such as: as long as..., or as soon as... but not a noun between them (as).
參考: self
2008-06-30 6:55 am
我作為' 村民的小心關於提到他們如同他。 I know小小!


點解villagers前面用左個as....個as既用法有無話同上面邊個字有關????...I do not know!


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