求KI +KMnO4(acidify)的ionic equation

2008-06-30 1:51 am
excess potassium iodide solution is added to acidified potassium permanganate solution

What is the observation and ionic equation??

(主要是問equation要不要加Sulphuric acid? 因為條問題話acidified.....)

回答 (1)

2008-06-30 2:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
5e- (MnO4)- 8H -----> Mn2 4 H2O
2I- ----> I2 2e-

overall ionic equation:
2(MnO4)- 16H 10I- ----> 2Mn2 8H2O 5 I2

Colour of solution change from purple to brown.

in equation , acid is added for the reduction of (MnO4)- , but not necessarily sulphuric acid, though it is a common one to be added.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:53:45
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