有人知道an cafe-巡り逢えた奇迹 的中文,日文和羅馬拼音歌詞嗎?/

2008-06-29 8:43 pm
有人知道an cafe-巡り逢えた奇迹 的中文,日文和羅馬拼音歌詞嗎?/

Antic Cafe - Meguriaeta Kiseki

In the endlessly stretching blue sky,
We are together
continue fighting the anxiety
You have towards a never ending future
I will give your injured,
thirsty heart water without trying to hide it
At sad times ,look ,we’re together
let’s divide the pain and cry
Even when you feel all alone,
we will be waiting for you
What sort of things can we possibly do
within so short a time?
Occasionally in life
we put our lives on the line
and try our best
Because we sweat because we cry,
it gets hot so let’s laugh at a priest’s stole
Let’s try to believe, look, we are together
It all starts with a smile
Let’s make a promise that sometime
you will become a gentle wind
I will give your injured,
thirsty heart water without trying to hide it
At sad times, look, we’re together
let’s divide the pain and cry
Even when you feel all alone,
we will be waiting for you
After this and before,
we are always together
our eyes reflect the other’s
because It’s all love
This accidental meeting is a miracle
Hold me tightly and let’s live on
This accidental meeting is a miracle


回答 (1)

2008-07-01 11:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hope this will help you


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