瑞士自由行 ~ urgent!

2008-06-29 11:23 am
我地兩個人 會係八月歐遊呢 ~呢個係我地係瑞士初步的行程:

第一天: 伯恩到步, 遊伯恩, 往流森住
住宿: Backpacker Lucern

第二天: 遊流森
住宿Backpacker Lucern

第三天: Train to Lauterbrunnen - Train to Spiez, walk around the castle - Train to Thun (or brienz is better?) - Boat trip at Interlaken - Walk around Interlaken Westt
Live: hotel staubbach (Double room sink only)

Train to Mt. Jungfraujoch (35xx m) - Walk/hike around Grindelwald - Back to Interlaken Ost to walk around
Live:hotel staubbach (Double room sink only)

Day 5:
Cable car & Train to Murren - Hiking on snow for 1 hour - Cable car back to Lauterbrunnen - Train to Wengen - Walk/Hike to Lauterbrunnen for 1 hour. 同遊覽下Lauterbrunnen 附近的瀑布, 有咪好介紹?
Live: hotel staubbach (Double room sink only)

Day 6:
Train to Zermatt - 急問zermatt 應該點玩!!? 我想知呢 我想問呢 咁zermatt 上gornergrat 再逐d 行落去咁呢, 咁買火車票係買單程上gornergrat,再係最後落腳點買單程下山,定係買gornergrat雙程 就成條線任搭架?? 因見好多人中程停了幾站行,唔知火車票方面係點買呢,仲有呢 行山係咪普通衣著同一般人就可以?定係要好pro個d 行山人行架? 行半天夠唔夠呢? 有無詳細建議呀 十萬個唔該!!
住宿: zermatt 諗住住 zermatt 的apartment ok否呢?

day 7:
train to montreux- 遊西庸城, 古耶里斯古城 (monteux值得遊否呢其實?)
住宿: 仲未搵到, 有無好介紹呢? double bed 每人budeget 三百幾港元一晚

day 8: train to 日內瓦 因四點幾機走了

唔該各位比比意見!!!尤其策馬特!! 唔該各位人兄呀 thx~~~

回答 (2)

2008-07-03 10:44 pm
You trip is a bit tight.

I also take train to Mt. Jungfraujoch but walk down from the peak. The view is good and not difficult to walk.

I have been to the waterfall in Lauterbrunnen but at that time, there is no much water and I can see only small waterfall. But walking in Lauterbrunnen is good and relaxing.

Train to Zermatt is by Glazier Express? I did not ride the whole trip but just to St. Moritz and stay there, which contains the best view already.

If go to Geneva, remember to take the picture for the high fountain.
2008-07-02 1:16 am
Day 3: 其實有船來回Spriz 同 Interlaken, 可以根據時間想想怎樣安排, 時間 可以參考 http://www.bls.ch/d/schifffahrt/schifffahrt.php

Day 6: 我上次去買雙程的, 咁你想自出自入都得...單程就不知道了。火車票可以去到先買, (都可以問下ticket office的人點買/行) 因為好似話天氣唔好就唔開。我係住當地的Youthhostel Zermatte, 到幾好, 仲包dinner。中間又好幾個站, 好似話係Riffelsee 行兩個多小時就ok

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