2008-06-28 9:10 am
Oh gosh well I'm having a panic attack and my heart is about to pop out of my chest. My left arm is like trembling and I'm freaking out. I know I need to relax but I get so scared and think I'm going 2 die. I really don't want to becuz I don't want to leave me baby alone. Can someone give me advice or say something to make me feel better........THANKS

回答 (4)

2008-06-28 9:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most panic attacks last 30 tops and they say the worse is over within 10 mins. I Know it sucks because i have had them for eight years. So you are NOT Alone and YOU are not going to die. Trust me YOU are not going to have a heart attack, remember your having a panic attack and you no that which is good. Your brain is playing tricks on you, and you will be feeling better soon and thinking how silly it was to get worried over. Again you are fine, walk around do something to distract your self, go into a chat room, answer questions anything to stop think about what going on. Again You are going to fine. Just breath.
2008-06-28 9:59 am
Panic attacks are intense anxiety experiences that are usually accompanied by symptoms in the affected person's body and thinking. The panic attack can occur unexpectedly during early stages of panic disorder illness. As panic disorder progresses, panic attacks may become associated with certain situations that trigger attacks. Panic attacks triggered by a specific experience are called situational panic attacks, since a certain situation initiates the intense anxiety.

Persons affected with panic attacks usually exhibit a broad range of clinical signs and symptoms that include:
heart palpitations (accelerated heart rate)
shaking or trembling
shortness of breath or sensation of feeling smothered or choked
feeling of tingling
chest discomfort or pain
nausea or abdominal distress
feeling dizzy, light headed, unsteady or faint
perceptions of being detached from oneself (depersonalization), or a feeling out of touch with reality (derealization)
chills or hot flashes
fear of dying
fear of going crazy or losing control

no life treatening & no harmfull so don't worry too much about it.
2008-06-28 9:24 am
This recently happened to me.
Just calm down. Breath into a paper bag, I know it sounds cheezy but it works.
Drink some cold water
Also, try to inhale through your nose then exhale through your mouth.
Sit down and make sure you try to calm yourself down.
It really is all up to you. You are the only one that can control it...
If you still feel bad you should follow up with a doc. and seek out some temp. help like meds. they really help if this is your 1st panic experience.

I hope you feel better.
2008-06-28 9:17 am
slow deep breaths. try repeating that in your mind over and over.

*hugs* it will pass soon. you've just gotta concentrate on making sure ur breathing is right and it will go away

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