Worried about my girlfriend.?

2008-06-28 8:52 am
My girlfriend tells me every once in a while how she feels heart pain. Shes too worried about there being something serious wrong with her heart so she refuses to go see a doctor about this. i asked her about it and she described the pains ( in her own words as ) " her being stabbed by needles", "she can't breathe, if she does it hurts" she says that it happens about once a week or so . randomly ,
i was wondering if anyone has any ideas what this could posibly be due to the fact that she just wont see somebody about it,
any ideas or information about if this happens to u / someone else u know would be helpfull
just worried about her hopefully figureing out what it could be.

回答 (10)

2008-06-28 9:03 am
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I had the same feeling when i was in school, then I turned around and clocked the guy and knocked him on his *ss for stabing me with a needle!

but seriously, we all know the answer! take her to the doctor!!!
2008-06-28 7:43 pm
She is under stress , please check this site

see if she has matching problems,

Heart pain comes on exertion and thre is sweating,

this appears like a different problem.
2008-06-28 6:12 pm
It could be a heart attack. The longer she puts off seeing a doctor the more she risks losing heart muscle and potentially becoming a cardiac cripple or even dying. It could also be Pleurisy as well as a host of other things. You need to MAKE her go see a doctor. Ignoring a medical problem will not make it go away. If she does have something serious it will just continue to cause damage. Tell her to do it for all the people that love her and don't want to go on in life without her. Good Luck. Nag, nag, nag and nag!!!
2008-06-28 5:09 pm
It could be:

Heart attack:
A heart attack is when low blood flow causes the heart to starve for oxygen. Heart muscle dies or becomes permanently damaged. Your doctor calls this a myocardial infarction.


Stress and anxiety:
Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or anxious. What is stressful to one person is not necessarily stressful to another.

Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or fear. The source of this uneasiness is not always known or recognized, which can add to the distress you feel.

Stress is a normal part of life. In small quantities, stress is good -- it can motivate you and help you be more productive. However, too much stress, or a strong response to stress, is harmful. It can set you up for general poor health as well as specific physical or psychological illnesses like infection, heart disease, or depression. Persistent and unrelenting stress often leads to anxiety and unhealthy behaviors like overeating and abuse of alcohol or drugs.

Emotional states like grief or depression and health conditions like an overactive thyroid, low blood sugar, or heart attack can also cause stress.
2008-06-28 4:46 pm
Hi Evan, it could be something as minor as anxiety causing these pains but she is being silly not getting it checked out to be sure.

Ignoring a health issue is NEVER a wise choice. Even if there is something wrong better to find out early when you have the best chance of curing the problem.
left untreated it may become a chronic problem.
2008-06-28 4:16 pm
Pronto, bring your girlfriend to a doctor for a general check up. Something is definitely wrong with her and it could turn out to be a serious thing if not properly checked up at the soonest possible time. Being such a very good and responsible boyfriend, you can sweet talk to her and convince her to go see a doctor and that there is nothing to worry about. You have to do this the sooner, the better. Go now and I mean right now. procrastinating about it will do more harm to your beloved girlfriend......
2008-06-28 4:07 pm
There could be something wrong with her lungs also. I had a roommate in college who had Pleurisy (an inflammation of the lining around the lungs) and she described the symptoms as similar to this. She had to take some pills and stay away from smokers/smoky areas and she was usually symptom free.

Please try to get it through to her that it's better to find out early when there's something wrong because it's usually so much easier to treat and/or cure problems in their early stages. Not only that, but if it's something that can be treated, she could be feeling better in no time instead of suffering needlessly!
2008-06-28 4:02 pm
What a sweet boyfriend :) I use to get some random pains in my chest a few years ago. I went to the hospital to get checked out and the doctors told me it could be stress. It eventually went away. If it doesn't go away soon you should drag her butt to the doctors. Hope this helps!
2008-06-28 4:00 pm
you sound like a great boyfriend to be so concerned. perhaps you could sit her down and talk to her about exactly why she is too scared don't take "something could be serioulsy wrong" as an answer because that is all the more reason to go. Remind her many heart problems are treatable and offer to accompany her to the doctors.
All the best,
Floating rock
2008-06-28 3:56 pm
i also feel this stabbing pain quite commonly.
definitely get her to a doctor, it could be something quite serious

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