cream cheese有咩可以代替呢?

2008-06-29 6:51 am
cream cheese有咩可以代替呢?
因為我呢度(英國)搵唔到cream cheese...

仲有,如果焗cheese cake焗出左2層(蛋糕同芝士分開,芝士在焗的時候沉底),會係咩問題?

回答 (1)

2008-06-29 7:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
please adjust the oven temperature higher 20C than usual if the cheese mixture looks loose, especially at the beginning of cake baking(around 15mins at higher temp., then decrease the oven temp. as usual for rest of baking time).

cheesecake will not separate 2 layers, it proved that the oven temp. is lower while baking. please try, i would suggest u to use the cheddar cheese - it is quite popular in england.

about the cheese - u can replaced by ricotta cheese(italian), fromage blanc(germany), mild cheddar cheese(england). i had to made a cheddar cheesecake, taste good, better mix with vanilla pod.
參考: experience

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