你真係會相信 - 知 己 知 彼 , 百 戰 不 殆 ! 做人怎樣可以做到[知己知彼]呢?

2008-06-29 6:20 am
做 人............
[ 知 己 知 彼 ]
[ 知 彼 知 己 ]
呢 ?

回答 (2)

2008-06-29 7:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
知 己:

Do you know yourself?

Someone once said," If you know yourself , you will know the whole world."

Have you tried to know youself, not your name, your appearance, your job, which is superficial.

Unfortuately we don't actually know ourself deeply, not just on the surface.

Have you ever watched a tree? Probably you never watch a actual tree but just an image of tree from your memory and from the books you study.

You just say," Yes, it is a tree." But then you lost the whole ideas of how to look at the tree.

If you don't label it a tree, since a tree and all description for the tree( like leaves, it is green, it has a root), is just words, and words are not the things.

Unfortuantely, we are conditioned by all our knowledge to the tree, through books and past experiences, then we lost connections between the tree and me, since your understanding of the beauty of the tree is not in the now, but from the past, the conditioned mind.

So if you learn how to look at a tree, a river, a cloud, not by any words, any distortions, then you will learn how to look at you, yourself.

Look into all your emotions, reactions, conversations, jealously, anger continuously without any condemnation is the beginnign of 知 己.

You and me in the deepest sense are the same, strive for happiness, hiding from pain, desire for a better tomorrow, regert for the past... so knowing yourself deeply, without making any conclusion is the beginning of 知 己

once you really 知 己
then only after you can 知 彼

beforewards it is impossible
參考: Jiddu Krishnamurti: You are the world
2008-06-29 6:32 am
知 彼揾偵探?
知己 睇成績表

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