翻譯:ill afford to

2008-06-29 3:51 am
We can ill afford to wait until a law is in place - that attitude has to change.


同埋ill afford to呢個grammar位........??


回答 (2)

2008-06-29 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
ill 作為副詞,其一個意思就是:困難的;幾乎不的意思
2. 困難地;幾乎不
I can ill afford the time.

所以,We can ill afford to wait until a law is in place-that attitude has to change.


2008-06-29 6:50 am
We can ill afford to wait until a law is in place - that attitude has to change.
We can ill afford = we can badly afford = we cannot afford anymore
a law is in place = we have a law
that attitude in this sentence should be referring to a passive attitude, that is, people do not try to stop something bad and just wait for the government to put up a law against that bad thing.
So the meaning the sentence is :
We cannot afford to wait until we have a law – that attitude has to change (and we have to do something by ourselves first)

ill afford to - grammar:
ill = adverb
afford = verb
afford to = phrasal verb
參考: Myself

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