東京5天自由行行程~Please help!

2008-06-29 2:49 am
I will go to Japan Tokyo for 5 days 4 nights in July, we are taking the JAL morning flight so will arrive in Haneda at 6.30am.

Please help me to see if my plan is ok!!

Here is my plan for the trip:

Day 1
香港(1:20機) ->羽田(06:30) --> 新宿酒店 (leave bag) --> 新宿行街
--> 返酒店check in --> 原宿,表参道,青山 --> 澀谷 --> 六本木
If there is time, go to 池袋行街 aswel

Day 2
築地市場 --> Garden Walk --> 月島 --> 東京鐵塔

Day 3
淺草寺 --> 日暮里 --> 秋葉原 -->上野(maybe?) --> 銀座

Day 4

Day 5
Premium outlet --> 酒店check out-->羽田20:30機

Will I have enough time to 遊船河? Please give me more information about that...thx

回答 (1)

2008-06-29 2:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
行程 幾好.
去淺草時會否考慮遊船河? 坐船遊東京灣再去東京鐵塔.

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