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You should plan your post-retirement life in full before you retire from your job.
You should plan your post-retirement life in full by the time of your retirement.
留意呢兩個意思,第一個冇問題(退休前做,大把時間),但第二個其實有問題,因為「到退休之時應該做好」,呢個退休計畫到時係應該已經完成!所以如果要用 by the time,應該改成:
You should have planned your post-retirement life in full by the time of your retirement.
2008-07-01 10:42:27 補充:
1.retirement 意為 "withdrawal from one's working or professional career" (
www.m-w.com),即係由不再工作呢個事實,post-retirement life 係不再工作(退休)後o既生活。點會係死左?有冇聽過 post retirement planning?如果係如樓下咁解,呢個詞咪等於安排身後事?!
2008-07-01 10:42:40 補充:
2.用 in full,是否一定要已完成而用 should have ...?我只係用 "in full before" 三個字,做左個 google search,取一句為反例:
The Delegate Registration fee must be paid in full before an invitation letter is issued.
呢句係 passive voice,動詞成組為 must be paid,如果轉為 active voice:
You must pay the Delegate Registration fee in full before...
2008-07-01 10:42:44 補充:
可見此中不涉「已完成」呢個概念。事實上我地用 before 時,經常都將事前要做o既事用 present tense 講架啦,如:I can finish this before mom comes back.