中譯英, 要岩文法既, 唔該~

2008-06-28 8:07 am
就我所知, 客人會透過我地既技術支援同事的舊公司的個人電郵地址直接溝通, 主要用作給予他們工作, 資料傳遞等等….

為了能夠提供更好既服務, 我地決定採用一個公共電子郵箱代替舊有的電子郵箱, 地址為:

2.由於係公共郵箱, 避免有同事放假而沒有人處理客人的電郵

請你幫忙, 將這個新電郵地址轉告給與我們客人的IT 部門


回答 (1)

2008-06-28 12:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To our knowledge, our Technical Support staff members are still using their old email addresses which belonged to their previous companies. Our customers are also using the same to communicate directly with them in dealing with the rountine works, passing informations, etc..
To provide a better service, we have decided to adapt a public email address in lieu of the old ones; the address is.......................
Our Technical Support staff members will be receiving all the emails from our customers. The advantages of using the public email box are as follows:
1) All in one is more convenient for our customers, as they are no longer to use several different email addresses.
2) Since it is a public email box, the incoming emails can be taken care by other staff members. It avoids the emails being unattended in case someone is on leave.
3) It is easier for other staff members to follow up the works which are not yet completed.
4) It is not necessary to change into a new email address in case of employee's resignation.
We are grateful if you will help us to notify our customers' IT department with the new email address.

2008-06-28 04:37:36 補充:
Sorry, there is a typing mistake. It should be ROUTINE instead of ROUNTINE.

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