i'm 13 & a half. i weigh 135 pounds. i need to lose 20 pounds before school starts again. HELP ?

2008-06-28 7:23 am
i always have a crave to eat every 30 minutes. some days i do, some days i don't. i weigh probably 135 &i wanna lose all the excess fat in my body; the love-handles, baby fat left in my arms, that bit of fat in between my thighs, have a thinner waist, & tighten my butt. any HELPFUL advice, please ?

回答 (11)

2008-06-28 7:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Ok well first you need to get a membership at the gym and go everyday!

At the gym you will do....

30 minutes on the stationary bike

20 minutes running on treadmill

10 minutes power walking

You need to eat right. Watch your calories eat what you need to get through the day instead of for fun. Think of food as survival.

You need 1600 calorie intake in one day.

For breakfast: 2-3 scrambled egg whites
For Lunch: any salad with a low fat dressing(don't drown the salad)
For dinner: Grilled fish or chicken with vegetable

snacks: munch on quakers rice cakes (they are actually really good even though they are rice cakes!!), fruit is always a good snack, original wheat thins

Hope this helps and good luck to you!
2008-06-28 7:41 am
kk. well when ur trying 2 lose weight of course u needa
work out. u need to start out w/ mabey running a block.or so. and go on to running a mile or w.e. work up to it though. dont just start working out hardcore right away. cause most ppl who do that give up. kk .u need 2 mabey go 2 a gym also.. lift some weights to tone up a bit. i drink special k protein water 2 get rid of my appitite for a bit..it rlli works 2 . mabey try the special k diet.it worked for my mum..but always include exercise . it will keep ur mind off eating all the time. :)
hope this helps :) btw u might not lose 20 lbs because working out tones u ..and muscel weights more than fat. so dont concentrate on the pounds. concentrate more on toning up and loosing the baby fat.
2008-06-28 7:39 am
I would say choose some things that you can live withought and try not to have them. After a few weeks its gonna become a habit not to eat those "bad things"

For me, I choose chocolate and chips because I didnt really like those things as much and now I barely eat them. Yea, you need to move your body and drink plenty of water.

Exercising helps you manage your hunger for like 1-2 hours longer. I lost some weight by exercising before dinner, because I eat a whole bunch during dinner, yes alot of times I pig out! I did twice a week 30-60 min (break a sweat at least) I lost about 15 lbs but thats just me, it may be different for you.

Oh yea whenver I am going to get "second helpings" I say to myself "was the food really That good that I want more?" sometimes that helps me eat a bit less.

Also if you got a "weakness" its best that you dont get more than you might need. But yea if you got a craving go for it but dont buy it if youre gonna be able to eat it 5 times a day until it runs out!

Im bad when it comes to ice cream, I just eat and eat and its really not helping me that my mom keeps buying it sometimes. This time she got sugar-free icecream, its nasty so I can stay away from it.

Im not doctor, Im a regular person who needs to keep at it losing weight, I hope this advice helps you in some way or another.
2008-06-28 7:38 am
Kmmy, to determine the ideal weight, you need to know your height as well. It's okay to weigh more if you are taller, as the physical balance is what counts most. That is how physicians/dieticians assess ideal body weight; I think the rough formula is height in centimetres less 110 is what is considered standard weight in kilograms.

Below is a more accurate formula that employs the body mass index.

Uhm, you don't want to be overly concerned about your baby fat. It's there for a reason; People retain their so-called "baby fat" until their early twenties, so slow down, okay? You need it for steady growth, a well-funtioning body, and brainy brains! Also be reminded a lot of people find some baby fat disarming and attractive as well. Guess why we (most people) lfind babies more loveable than not!
2008-06-28 7:36 am
Summer is the best time to lose weight - healthy fruits and vegetables, awesome weather to play outside!

If you're hungry and need a snack between means, try to eat more fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of fluids. It'll help cool you down on a hot summer day, plus most of the time when you feel hungry you're actually thirsty.

Spend time outdoors: biking, jogging, hiking, rock climbing, swimming, volleyball, tennis, dancing, etc. Try a new sport each week. Don't like it then switch to something else the next week. Give yourself a chance to try it. Want something less intense? Join a tai chi class. It's low impact and you'll be surprised it's not as easy as it looks. Same with yoga and core strengthening exercises. All these are designed to help you stretch and strength your muscles which will make them look toned.

Good luck and have fun!
2008-06-28 7:36 am
Listen the mantra for losing weight is burn more calories than you consume.
Take a membership to a gym but if its not convenient then you can exercise at home by running or skipping or even playing outdoors. In short you have to be physically active. That makes you get rid of extra fat. As for building a great shape, look up the net for some workout regimes and trust me when you go to school, they will say "WOW!"
2008-06-28 7:34 am
omg i know how u feel . im almost 15 and i weigh 127 pounds and i need to lose weight also. well when i was ur age i weighed the same as u but i didnt do a good way to loose my weight so im just getting youst to wats the right way to loose weight which is exercise and diet. like instead of eating a like a hamburger or something fatning like that eat like salads and lots of vegetables and fruit. o and grilled chicken and again lotes of exercise like run or go on a walk with your friends or go swimming that burns ton of calleries. OK SIT UPS DO NOT WORK! i did it for 2 years and i did not loose any fat i accuatly pulled my side out of place instead and im 14.
2008-06-28 7:33 am
Hi. my name is julia. i am 13. i am 5'4 and weigh 170 pounds. now some of that is fat and fa weighs more than muscle but you are not fat. All you need to lose i about 20lbs. you should be able to do that before school starts again. Just when you have those cravings just earg yourself to stop it. if you must eat eat healthy green foods. like broccoli, celary, ect. Drink alot of water, run, do sports, and just be very active, ect. I am in the same situation and i am gonna do i have faith you can too! Just stay active and dont let anyone bring you down or tell you that you cant do it! you can
! and make sure to drink ALOT of water!
I hope that helps!:)
2008-06-28 7:32 am
I think you should go to the gym when you are a little bit older.
It's good that you're starting young.
I suggest you eat your meals regularly but smaller portions.
Vegetables and fruits can do you wonders.
It's okay to have a little junk food, you're only human.
Be careful NOT to snack at night.
Exercise 30 minutes a day would even be good.
It'll take some time, but I guarantee you it's all worth it.
Good luck.
2008-06-28 7:29 am
To lose weight (fat), include more fiberous slow digesting carbs, as opp to the

fast ones, no white breads, fast foods, ketchups, sugar, only skim milk, not 2%,

skim and whole grain non sweet cerial, whole wheat bread, buy some protein,

include lean meats like ham, and other sources of protein, no red

meats,multivitamin, calcium and vitamin d every 2 days, v8. Don't starve, eat

small healthy meals, a lot of small meals opposed to a few bigger ones-- make sure is has at least 8-10 or more g, not too much protein,

the body can only digest a certain amount at a time, avoid too many fruits, carbs

and sugars, fiberous veggies, greens (no starches or potatoes) are good ,and no bbq sauce

(unless used sparringly) and not too much salad dressing, before bed (2 hrs), eat something with protein, dont
eat many carbs before bed. Eat some of that good cereal in the morning, you need carbs, just not too much, and the slow ones.

Do crunches until you can not do anymore, jog stairs, be safe, warm up and sprint, short bursts

of intense activity is very effective compared to long weak activity, just don't

over do it, Jog stairs ;and also do some lunges until it burns, do this every day or 2 days, keep

going and don't give up, same with eating, you need fat, so one fish oil daily,

eat fish (not fried, be careful, very careful for bones, peanut butter on whole

wheat (no jelly),which has protein, and dont worry about the fat in that,

avocodos, has fat, good fat, eat it when your hunger cravings get you. when you

do crunches, also twist on some to work your sides, keep tension on your abs.

Need more info, go to http://www.bodybuilding.com

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