Fishing without a License in washington.?

2008-06-27 11:55 am
I thought I have a fishing license but it turned out to be expired for a couple months. That is one reason why the police officer keep asking me about do I have my license and I said yes. He checked and said I have never have a fish license which turned out they are going to put handcuffs on me and going to take me to the police station. At last I have gave my Social Security Number to the polcie officer and they are able to find my lisence which has expired. They have fine me for $250. I want to know is that the fine for just fishing without a license or with what i found out that giving false info for fishing without a license.

I am really confuse and stress out. I have no idea my license is out of date because I purchase it in Dec 2007 and which I thought it is last for a year and it turned out their expire date for every fishers are Mar 31,2008.

Please Help if You Can. Thanks A lot for your help and which I will be more happy to see what can I do for paying less fine.

回答 (4)

2008-06-27 1:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In some states fishing licenses aren't good for 12 month. In Minnesota for example fishing licenses are effective March 1, 2008 - April 30, 2009. That's 13 months. If I choose to purchase my licence in December of 2008 it would still only be good until April 30, 2009.

When I am fishing I have my current licence in my person. It would be in my vest or in my pants pockets. I have never beed questioned bhy a conservation officer I have coworkers who had been. I know I'll meet one sooner or later.

In Minnesota giving false information is a gross misdemeanor.

How a misdemeanor becomes a gross misdemeanor in Minnesota.

CO Adam Block (Prior Lake) reports an angler was arrested after giving his brother's name and date of birth to the CO. The angler did not have a fishing license but he knew his brother had recently purchased one. After the CO looked at the driver's license photo on his squad computer, of the name given to the officer, he pointed out to the angler that he had falsified his identity. The angler stated he was not aware COs could look up driver's license photos online in their patrol squads. The angler indicated someday technology is going to ruin the world. The angler became angry when he was informed he committed a gross misdemeanor crime by trying to elude a misdemeanor offense.

2008-06-27 8:08 pm
many states have a set date on which their licenses expire. the day you buy to does not matter. others, like Texas, offer a year to date option. they license is good for one year after you buy it, but you have to specify you want that and hope the person who is selling you your license isn't an idiot.

as for fishing without a license, you were doing just that. if you license is expired, you don't have one. whether you had one in the past or not, you were not fishing with a valid license. the fact that you did have one at one point may have influenced the officers decision to arrest you or not though. for example, a recently expired license probably has a current address on it so they know where to find you if you don't go to court.
2008-06-27 7:00 pm
No lisence= fine my friend
2008-06-27 9:14 pm
Each state has different laws about fishing licences. I would suggest visitig your state's department of conservation website to find out what thier laws are. you can also google them and find their number to give them a call directly. This will be your best bet for future issues. ALWAYS know your state's laws before you fish, and if you are visiting a new state, do the same.


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