中文吹水高手請進 1+1=2 的人生哲理

2008-06-28 7:31 am
1+1=2 可否表現人生道理?

回答 (5)

2008-06-28 10:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-06-28 3:32 pm
2008-06-28 9:46 am
One add one equal to two is very simple numberic (science) sentences. Theorticially, it's impossiblile to refuese this.

Normally, everyone understand this. However, some people would still ask others this question.

There are 2 ways to define this:

1. Maybe the people who asking this question think it is a IQ question or the questioner want to test others basic knowledge, like father is male or female.

2. Maybe the questioner really didn't learn this calucation before, so this question appeared/


However, it is just one of the ways to express this topic, I am sure everyone can explain it in different kinds of way.

That means, something is very simple, like a glass of water, but, human beings can define this in different kinds of way or expression.

So, YOU ASKED US 1+1=2 可否表現人生道理 ?

I would answer you, it depends on yourself !

If u read this passage in negative way, then ...

If you read this passage in positive way, then ...

Lastly, if you read this passage in neutral way, then ...

So, you tell me, which one you will answer ?



2008-06-28 01:48:07 補充:

2008-06-28 01:48:33 補充:
no matrer which one u choose, the asnwer will still change one day. It depends on emotion and other factors which affect you every moment and everyday.

2008-06-28 01:48:53 補充:

Lastly, I like to share my experience on this topic.


2008-06-28 01:49:17 補充:

2008-06-28 01:49:34 補充:
If u are still reading this passage, that means can accept a boring guy writing so much here.- Some poeple like share their real idea from their heart, some people would think, if they share their real idea from heart, others will think he is a crazy and borin people/- me ? I am sharing here,

2008-06-28 01:49:47 補充:
so I don;t care. I like to share with others.- Actually, yor question should be write it in opposite way, then u can understand yourself.


2008-06-28 01:50:00 補充:
let me help you to write it down here: 人生道理 可否表現 1+1=2

- I think this should be better to clear your concept.

- Cos, 人生道理 is based on emotion

and 1+1 = 2 is a fact.

2008-06-28 01:50:14 補充:
Finally, I am totally agree with you.

Actually, 吹水高手 is the main topic of this question. However, if u like to find 吹水高手, u better go to ask your teacher if you are still a student.

2008-06-28 01:50:22 補充:
Your teacher will be happy to answer your question, and think that you are a good student, based on this kind of 吹水高手 TOPIC.

me ? hehe, i am also happy to answer you here.

2008-06-28 01:51:36 補充:
p.s. the original passage should be in one page only, but our yahoo knowledge can not let me write it in one page, sorry to let you read it in a foolish way. : >
參考: 吹水高手 i am heyhey, 吹水高手 i am heyhey ? ya, that's me., i am heyhey
2008-06-28 8:32 am
1+1=2 代表:
參考: 自已
2008-06-28 8:13 am

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