
2008-06-28 7:07 am
thousands of young travellers answer the call of the wild and go to Africa.
They come face-to-face with rhinos in game parks, buy ridiculously large wood carvings from Maasai tribespeople and catch exotic diseases that affect them for the rest of their lives.


回答 (4)

2008-06-28 7:38 am
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thousands of young travellers answer the call of the wild and go to Africa.數以千計的年輕旅客回應原野的呼喚,到非洲去。
They come face-to-face with rhinos in game parks, 他們在主題公園中與犀牛面對面,
buy ridiculously large wood carvings from Maasai tribespeople 從肯雅族人處買來大得滑稽的木雕刻,
and catch exotic diseases that affect them for the rest of their lives.

2008-06-28 8:05 am
數以萬計年輕旅行家回復電話狂放和去非洲。他們來面對面與犀牛在遊戲公園, 可笑地買大木雕刻從肯亞部族的人和捉住影響他們在他們有生之年的異乎尋常的疾病。
2008-06-28 7:24 am
Maasai tribespeople = 肯亞部族的人
2008-06-28 7:18 am
數以萬計年輕旅行家回復電話狂放和去非洲他們來面對面與犀牛在遊戲公園, 可笑地買大木雕刻從Maasai tribespeople 和捉住影響他們在他們有生之年的異乎尋常的疾病
Maasai tribespeople 翻譯唔到!!!sorry!!

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