問幾句英文句子! (急急急!!)

2008-06-28 12:59 am
1. 我會留係澳洲 4日, 下星期 2既12點坐飛機返香港
2. 我同我男朋友一齊左 2年, 用電話或者MSN連絡
3. 我一直都住係香港
4. 冇所謂! 是但就OK
5. 你好, 呢幾日打搞哂
6. 多謝你既照顧

就係呢D!! THX!!

回答 (4)

2008-06-28 1:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 我會留係澳洲 4日, 下星期 2既12點坐飛機返香港
2. 我同我男朋友一齊左 2年, 用電話或者MSN連絡
3. 我一直都住係香港
4. 冇所謂! 是但就OK
5. 你好, 呢幾日打搞哂
6. 多謝你既照顧
1) I'll be in Australia for 4 days and will be back to Hong Kong next Tuesday (ETD Aus. 12.00 hours)
2) I live with my boy friend for 2 years, we used to communicate by MSN or telephone.
3) I used to lived in Hong Kong.
4) It dosn't matter, just suit yourself.
5/6) Thank you for the hospitality (for the last few days.)
for the last few days - 這通常不用講出來, because it is understood & 己成過去. 故 5/6 一句括哂.
參考: self
2008-06-28 2:00 am
1. 我會留係澳洲 4日, 下星期 2既12點坐飛機返香港
I will stay in Australia in the coming 4 days and I will return to HK on next Tuesday by 12:00 flight.

2. 我同我男朋友一齊左 2年, 用電話或者MSN連絡
I've been dating with my boyfriend for 2 years, we usually keep contact via msn and telephone.

3. 我一直都住係香港
So far I am living in HK.

4. 冇所謂! 是但就OK
It doesn't matter, either one will do / They are fine to me, either one will do.(如果係要你選擇的, 你想話是但, 你可以咁答).

5. 你好, 呢幾日打搞哂
Nice to meet you, thanks for your hospitality. (如果你係一到人地家就同人地greeting, 你就可以咁講.)

6. 多謝你既照顧
Thanks for your hospitality.
2008-06-28 1:30 am
1.I can remain am Australia on 4th, next week 2 already 12. will ride
the airplane to return Hong Kong

2.I with my boyfriend in once left 2 years, contact with the telephone
or MSN

3.I continuously all live am Hong Kong

4.Not so-called!Careless on OK!

5.Hi,These days disturbed

6.Many thanks your attendance
2008-06-28 1:14 am

1. I am staying in Austria for 4 days and leaving on next tuesday 12noon
2. I have been dating with my bf 2 years alredady, we always talk on the msn and on th phone.
3. I live in Hongkong
4. Its ok ! It doesnt matter to me
5. Hi,
6. Thx for talking care these days

2008-06-27 17:16:02 補充:

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