又有假放啦, 真係好期待呢一日, translate to English

2008-06-27 6:54 pm
又有假放啦, 真係好期待呢一日, translate to English

回答 (10)

2008-06-27 8:35 pm
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Another holiday is coming. I really look forward to it.
Another holiday is coming. I'm really looking forward to it.


Another holiday is coming. 就有感嘆意。是太多假期嗎?
2008-07-01 7:08 pm
Another holiday is coming.
2008-06-30 10:01 pm
又有假放啦, 真係好期待呢一日,
Really can't wait for the holiday to come.
2008-06-28 3:53 am
The holidays are coming! I am really looking forward to this day!


The holidays are coming! I have been looking forward to this day!

2008-06-27 9:56 pm
除左sapitientia提議個句之外 (... I look forward to it), 其他的都唔係咁多外國人常用, 唔係話唔啱既, 但係聽落去有D怪... 仲有, 如果你用"Another holiday is coming" 聽落去你既意思好似好唔願意咁 "唉, 又放假喇..."

我會咁講 (口語化D):

I'm going to have a day off soon. I can't wait for it to come!
2008-06-27 9:09 pm
又有假放啦, 真係好期待呢一日!
It's the coming of a holiday, I really long for that day!

2008-06-27 17:29:51 補充:
樓下 Rebecca, 唔識又要扮專家, 唉!

I can't wait for it to come (又係 Chinese English, 我諗鬼子佬唔會咁講卦? )

2008-06-29 22:57:24 補充:
懇請 Rebecca 以後不要再指點或評述在下文筆優劣, 心領了!
2008-06-27 8:30 pm
Another holiday is coming, I'm longing for it too much!
2008-06-27 7:35 pm
Another holiday is coming, what a long awaited day.
2008-06-27 7:02 pm
Another public holiday is coming, I am expecting too much for that day!
2008-06-27 7:02 pm
holiday is coming again, really expected the day!

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