Are Computers Good for Children?

2008-06-26 12:33 pm

回答 (6)

2008-06-26 2:27 pm
Personaly, as someone in the IT industry since the early 90's; when I have children I will not look at a PC as a helpful tool unless there are no other resources. I want my child to learn as much as possible through older, traditional resources - books, hands on, oral lessons, hand writing, etc

As they mature and enter the world, computer skills will be manditory; so more exposure is needed once they become adolescents; just with supervision, as others have stated

I think the challenge for parents today is to limit technology in a young child's life: Children and Teens don't need cell phones, don't need their own computer or own TV; all access to technology can be had through suprivised use in a common room or place. They won't be popular at school or in the neighborhood; but they will be better for it in their life to come.
2008-06-26 12:53 pm
Hi Salu,
I live in Brazil and here, the children and youngs are indulges in Computers. They walk hours in front of PC.
The computer is good, It bring information and comunication, but necessary is use with caution.

Kisses of the Brazil!!!!!

Translation portuguese:

Oi Salu,
Eu moro no Brasil e aqui, as crianças e jovens são viciados em computadores. Elas passam horas em frente ao PC.
O computador é bom, tráz informação e comunicação, mas é necessário ser usado com cautela.

Beijos do Brasil!!!!
2008-06-26 12:52 pm
Yeah computers and internet are an excellent tool for children to learn new things and get in touch with the latest!! But but but....only the stuff that they are supposed to know according to thier age...So parental control is a must...
2008-06-26 12:47 pm
i have 2 children my oldest just turned 13 going into jr.high next year ,she is always needing to use the Internet for her homework -or i do too help her-always having to print stuff off you know all that good stuff. if we didn't have a computer we would spend a lot of time at someones house that does have one . we are think full that we have one /we first got one 4 years ago we was going to get a computer or a PlayStation i think we made the right choice //
2008-06-26 12:47 pm
Computer is a tool, it can be both good and bad, with proper instruction and supervision, it can be help them to do and learn lot of things.
2008-06-26 12:41 pm
Yes with proper supervision.

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