School Safety Regulation

2008-06-27 5:06 am
Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

School safety seems to be very simple but students are usually unaware 1.____
its importance.In order to enjoy your school life to the full,you must first pay attention 2.___ it.

Students spend most of 3.____ time in classrooms when they are at school so classroom 4.____ just like their homes.Therefore,they should 5.____ their“homes”clean and tidy.Since a classroom may be shared 6.____ more than 35 students and there are so many desks and chair,it can be a source of 7.____.Thus, running and playing ball games in a classroom can be dangerous and should not be 8.____.Students should report any damaged desks or chairs 9.____ their class teacher and 10.____ no circumstances should they play with switches or sockets.

11.____ the classroom,students should remember to behave themselves when they are in the corridors or when using the staircases.They should 12.____ not to run and be more 13.____ when using the staircases in humid and rainy weather.

回答 (2)

2008-06-27 6:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. of
2. to
3. the
4. is
5. keep
6. by
7. danger
8. allowed
9. to
10. in
11. In
12. remember
13. careful
2008-06-27 6:17 am
1. of
2. to
3. their
4. is (This sentence is really bad, this sentence should be "Students spend most of their time in THE classrooms when they are at school so THE classroom 4.____ just like their homes.")
5. keep
6. by
7. ??
8. done??
9. to
10. under
11. In
12. try??
13. careful??

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