
2008-06-27 2:45 am
the weather was bad yesterday that i was worried.because i am used to studyin-g

my english book every day,without on monday because of the library is close

d. in the afternoon,the weather became well,so i went to the library.When i w

ent out from my home to be street,it was raining.but,i am smart boy that i bro

ught my umbrella.when arrived the library that i went into studying room for

work my studying paln.

the sun was going down,so i prepared to go home.i was scared while i didn't fi

ng out my umbrella someone had stolen my umbrella since i went out from st

udying room. i was really angry because it was raining and worse than afterno

on. so,i was very brave at that monment who running to my home as fast as ho

rse. at least, i wanted to say to robber, won't let me to see you once,because i

will kill you.

回答 (1)

2008-06-28 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
The weather was so bad yesterday. I felt worried because i study english every day. The library is close on every monday.The weather became well in the afternoon ,so i decided to go to the library. Suddenly, it rained when i was on my way to the library. Luckly, i brought my umbrella. I felt so pound so i keep going to the library's study room to study english.

After studying English, i planned to go staright home. I found that my unbrella had been stolen. I was extremely pissed because the weather was getting worse outside.I guess the theif took my unbrella while i was studying!! Finally, i knew i had to go home, so i ran home quickly and bravely.
The last thing i want to tell to the robber is if i ever see you in the furtrue, i will just kick ur ass off !!!

哈哈 希望幫到你
參考: 自己

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