英文用詞 ?

2008-06-26 11:52 pm
請問 have not, did not 兩者有什麼分別 ?

但為何 have not 後面用的noun 要用past tense ?


那如下意思是否一樣 ? did not receive have not received.

回答 (4)

2008-06-27 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Noun是不會有tense 的。只是verb會有tense 的。

2. Have not 後面 + past participle (很多時和past tense一樣串法) = present perfect tense

3. Did not receive 是 past tense.

4. Have not received 是 present perfect tense.

2008-06-28 17:56:34 補充:
Did not receive 當時沒有收到 (at a certain time in the past)
Have not received 仍沒有收到 (until now)

I did not receive it on Monday. I received it on Wednesday. I have already received it.
2008-06-27 12:16 am
have-not 是 窮人;貧窮或缺乏資源之國家
did not = didn't 是 不能

參考: Yahoo!字典
2008-06-27 12:00 am
have not的意思大多是{沒有}的意思,而did not 大多是解沒有做的意思,所以兩者就有很大的分別!have not 係沒有這樣東西,did not 係沒有做.
2008-06-26 11:57 pm
have not is a present tense,did not is a past tense.
參考: Grammar Is Easy!

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