Nice to meet you 一問

2008-06-26 11:40 pm
在nice to meet you 後 ,

大部份都是說me too既 ,

點解我見到有人答you too ?

究竟you too係咩意思?

回答 (10)

2008-06-27 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nice to meet you - 很高興認識你
Me too = 我也是 (很高興認識你)
You too = 你也是? I am sure nobody will respond like that.
參考: self
2015-11-03 7:36 am
nice to meet you
2008-06-30 10:26 pm
nice to meet you, 大部份都是說 me too
Have a nice day. ( 大部份都是說 you too)
究竟you too係咩意思 that mean same to you, for example: have a nice day for you and me.
2008-06-29 6:27 am
In fact, "You too!" is correct. It means "Nice to meet you too!".
"Me too!" is wrong. Think about it: it doesn't make sense that you say that you are nice to meet yourself too.
大部份都是說 me too既 , (I'm sure they are not native speakers.)

點解我見到有人答you too ? (Who? Native speakers? Overseas educated?)

2008-07-02 15:43:49 補充:
You can take a look:
參考: Overseas educated
2008-06-27 2:56 am
May be that person wants to say "Nice to meet you too!"

However, he is a bit lazy and just answers "you too!"

But for the actual meaning of "you too", it means "你都係啊".
參考: me
2008-06-27 12:26 am
It is nice for me to meet you.通常的回答是 It is nice for me to meet you too.但簡說了,就是 Me too.了
You too 是誤會吧!
2008-06-27 12:05 am
It's wrong, no one will say "you too" as a response. Either
he's not thinking (which happens in conversations), or his
English really really sucks.
2008-06-27 12:04 am
在nice to meet you 後 ,

大部份都是說me too既 ,

點解我見到有人答you too ?

究竟you too係咩意思?
NO ANY 不同!!!
2008-06-26 11:59 pm



參考: me
2008-06-26 11:56 pm
下..........冇理由架...照字面解 too...你都......

參考: 唔夠分問問題 : (

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