
2008-06-26 10:37 pm

我知道去美國升學要考一個叫SAT的考試, 不過好似好難考咁樣, 究竟除左考SAT之外仲有冇其他方法入到美國出名既大學

回答 (2)

2008-06-26 10:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案

在美國升學方面,同學可考慮美國的社區學院, 這些社區學院可讓中五學生報讀,學生畢業後可獲副學士學位(Associate Degree),如想繼續求學,可以轉學進入四年制大學繼續後兩年的大學課程。美國社區大學的特色﹐除了它是採二年制之外﹐還有一個特點就是它結合當地的政府﹑工商業及社區團體結合在一起,提供教育的機會。由於其課程採小班制,選課也相當有彈性,故質素有一定保證,而且學費與生活費都比其他國家低廉,故受學生的歡迎。校內國際學生與美國學生比例為1:10確保同學能在英語環境下學習。

即係話, 如果去考SAT 就由Yr 1 到 Yr 4 用四年時間
而讀社區學院就係兩年社區學院加兩年美國本土大學, 都係四年時間, 而且社區學院學費比大學便宜很多, 所以讀社區學院比考sat更容易更平. 是海外學生到美國升學的最主要途徑。

注: 每年也有幾十%的美國本土學生入讀社區學院, 主要原因是學費便宜及入大學率極高



參考: 自己
2008-06-26 11:47 pm
Yes, if you apply for Community College (also called Junior College), you don't
need SAT. I personally graduated from one, and transferred to University for
year 3 and 4. In the past, very few HK students to to Junior College, because
it was less known, today there are many (maybe too many!).

One factor to consider however, the 2 years you spend at J.C., will have a lifestyle
very different from the year 1 and 2 of a U. There are good and bad to that. You
got to experience at least 2 colleges (J.C. and the U. for yr 3 and 4), but if you like
the U. life better, you lost 2 years, because you are not spending all 4 yrs there.

And reminder, in any case, you still need TOEFL.

Also note that, the successful transfer rate to famous schools from J.C. for
non-residents has been dropping over the years. If you are thinking the big
names, e.g. Berkeley, UCLA, U Penn etc. You should go to library to check
out some recent statistics on succesful trasnfer rate of the past few years, esp
for international students to get some ideas. Also notice, if you are considering
famous private schools, e.g. Harvard, I think it's tough to bypass SAT. They
got tons of extremely high SAT scores applicants. And yes, SAT is very
important, if you are serious about getting a good education, this is where
you should focus on.

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