你說 : [ 來 日 方 長 ] 佢說 : [ 人 生 苦 短 ] 請問: 边個人講野係啱架 ?

2008-06-26 11:16 am
佢說 : [ 人 生 苦 短 ]
你說 : [ 來 日 方 長 ]
請 問 :
边 個 人 講 野 係 啱 架 ?

回答 (3)

2008-06-29 12:35 am
2008-06-27 10:07 am
I think the first is right.

Since there is no tomorrow, and no past, when you say that there is past, what are you referring to? Isn't that something not exist now?

So there is no tomorrow, there is just now.

And be totally attentive to the now, you will know that you don't need tomorrow, tomorrow simply don't exist, psycologically

It is because you always think you have tomorrow, you allow all the thing inside yourself to create time, like I am very lazy, but I will be hard-working in two years.

No, the future is now, unless you change now, you action now, people like to project the future, since it give them hope.

But why do we need any hope?

Do birds need hope?

What is hope? Isn't that a sense of comfort?

If we enjoy the now, fully accept what is happening now, do we need hope?
參考: me
2008-06-26 6:16 pm



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