
2008-06-26 11:08 am
我八月會去英國, 想問有咩遊樂場好介紹.
想玩刺激機動遊戲. 最好講明入場費, 地點, 網站等等....

另外, 想問英國有無水上樂園 gar???
即係好似香港水上樂園咁, 游水, 滑梯個 d...

回答 (3)

2008-07-08 11:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Alton Towers

地址:Alton Stoke-On-Trent ST10 4DB UK

Alton Towers 係近 Manchester 同 Birmingham, 如果係你可以去埋
Manchester or Birmingham 玩玩~

交通方面:搭Virgin火車由 London Euston 去 Stoke-on-Trent,
出火車站有巴士No.14 去 alton towers (火車時間約90mins)

check過Virgin 依家無做緊promotions, 可能因為係summer holidays

入場券: £35.50. 早d online book 可以有 20%off~另外仲有
fast pass (快証) 買~~~佢係一個個game 買快証的


Stoke-on-Trent <–> Alton Towers (星期一至六)
Stoke-on-Trent, Rail Station 07:20 08:20 09:20 10:20 13:20
Alton Towers, Farley Gates 08:30 09:30 10:30 11:30 14:30

Alton Towers <–> Stoke-on-Trent Alton
Towers, Farley Gates 15:45 17:30 19:30 00:15
Stoke-on-Trent, Rail Station 16:55 18:37 20:37 01:22

另外想平d 可以係 Uttoxeter Rail Station搭32A
Uttoxeter <–> Alton Towers 32A
Uttoxeter, Rail Station 09:10 11:10
Alton Towers, Farley Gates 09:38 11:38

Alton Towers <–> Uttoxeter
Alton Towers, Farley Gates 16:23 17:23 18:23 19:23
Uttoxeter, Rail Station 16:46 17:46 18:46 19:46

的士 :
由 Stoke-on-Trent 前往 alton towers 約£20 一程
(一出 Stoke-on-Trent 火車站左轉行多少少上車, 就會直出大路
會快d 同平d,,車程約 30-45mins)

07:25 The train leaves Euston Station
09:00 Arrive at Stoke-On-Trent
09:20 Get the free bus to the park
10:30 Arrive at the Park
Enjoy the Park
17:30 Get the bus back to the station
18:51 Get the train back to London
20:32 Arrive at London Euston

水上樂園可以去埋alton towers o個個
Cariba Creek

10am - 6pm (Sun - Thurs)
10am - 8pm (Fri - Sat)


1)最好search 下有冇邊d website 做緊promote 可以book 平d
2)愈早book 火車同tickets 愈好同愈平
3) London Euston 轉車去 Stoke-on-Trent 要預返多d時間,
參考: me
2008-06-27 6:09 am
Alton Towers is the most popular in the North West UK
website :http://www.altontowers.com/pages/home
You can find all the information there. For example the price,hotel.
There is one water theme park inside the alton towers. Of course, there are rides too.
2008-06-26 3:15 pm

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