Convenient location, impeccable service and good value for money, ensure travellers an enjoyable stay in Hong Kong. Golden Palace Hotel is located in Hong Kong. The place offers private bathrooms, color tv, individual air-conditioners, internet connection, a laundry service, and pets are welcome. TEL: (852)23802361 Website: Address: Rm 695, 5/F, WinnerMansion , 695-697, Nathan Rd, Mong Kok, Kln., HK 香港金茂賓館 位處旺區,交通方便,合格通風防火設備,獨立浴室,電話,彩電,空調 ★過來看看吧!房間漂亮又便宜! 是你旅行的最佳選擇,現在打折中,快來看哦 九龍旺角彌敦道695號永如大廈5樓695-旺角地鐵站A1出口 TEL: (852)23802361 Website: