ENT for neck lump.negitive CT,and thyroid scan. Cancer??

2008-06-26 6:53 am
Yes it is me again... About 8 mo. dr. felt lump on neck he ordered a ultasound. I got busy and never got it until about 3 weeks ago becaus I had been feeling tired and unwell for sometime. So after the US I had a thyroid scan that came out all clear as well as bloodwork.

So than next was the CT scan, the scan found no mass or enlarged lymphnodes.Now I am being sent to the ENT. So what do you think will happen next. The Dr. I saw that refered me was suck an asshole I asked him could he feel my neck to see if it is still there, and he said " no ,it's out of my hands now" I don't want to waste time and money so I wanted to see if he still felt it. My other Dr. felt it last week and said he still felt it.

I am 26 I am always tired, I am even tired from getting dressed in the morning sometimes. So am I overeacting about the lump. Maybe it dissapred I don't know. What can the ENT see that the CT did not?

All thyroid functions are normal. The ultrasound said it was a solid.


I know what an ENT is....

回答 (4)

2008-06-26 1:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An ENT is trained in disorders such as this - i.e. lumps in neck, thyroid, etc. My daughter went through the same thing as you and was finally referred to an ENT.

My advise to you is to pursue this for as long as it takes to find an answer. Like you, our internist didn't find anything in bloodwork or on scans, but our ENT thought the lump was suspicious enough to follow through with further testing. So, please, please, have this seen about.

I don't want to scare you in any way, but my daughters was cancer. It was contained, though and was easily treated with further surgery and then radioactive iodine. She was 19 when diagnosed (September, 2007). We have now made it to the 6 month post radiation mark and she is doing SO remarkably well!!! She takes daily medication because she has no thyroid at all, but she is so healthy now.

Had I NOT pursued this matter, well, I don't even want to think about what might have happened. The bottom line is that it is your body and you KNOW something is wrong. Keep on until you find someone who is willing to do further testing.

I will keep you in my prayers. If you want to e-mail me, I will give you some more information about my daughter's condition.

God bless!

P.S. you can go to www.thyca.org and find tons of information.
2016-10-03 5:08 pm
A CT is a gadget basically . . it incredibly is no longer constantly precise for this reason requiring categories of exams until a prognosis may be reached. CT consequences could additionally underestimate the quantity of maximum cancers latest interior the physique . . won't have the ability to constantly spot tumors hidden at the back of organs or tissue or bone . . it relatively is easy to miss ailment with a CT . . hence so oftentimes you hear approximately somebody moving into for surgical technique and the medical doctors will locate stepped forward and inoperable ailment . . the CT did no longer show the quantity of maximum cancers. puppy scans could additionally supply fake readings . . . all of those are in basic terms a thank you to furnish the scientific professional an theory approximately what may be going on. you will possibly be able to wish a 2d opinion or possibly a third . . do no longer relax until you have a definitive prognosis . . maximum cancers is in basic terms too deadly to play guessing video games. stable luck.
2008-06-26 7:30 am
the doctor cant help it so he send u to ENT. sometimes they do, im the one who felt dizzy, wasting so much money & time in ENT & finally they refused to cure me & pass me to Neurology after the MRI brain scan.
2008-06-26 7:03 am
In the absence of remarkable blood work or CT, I would suspect a benign tumor.
An ENT, by the way, is an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. It isn't a scan like a CT.

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