If the atomic mass of gallium is 69.723 amu, what is the mass of the other isotope, 71Ga?

2008-06-25 3:21 pm
Gallium has two naturally occurring isotopes. 69Ga (68.9257 amu) is the more abundant isotope, at 60.4%. If the atomic mass of gallium is 69.723 amu, what is the mass of the other isotope, 71Ga?

(a) 71 amu
(b) 71.512 amu
(c) 39.60 amu
(d) 69.985 amu
(e) 70.925 amu

回答 (2)

2008-06-25 3:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
69.723 = ( 68.9257 x 60.4 ) + ( mass 71Ga x 39.6) / 100

6972.3 = 4163 + mass 71Ga x 39.6

2809 = mass 71 Ga x 39.6

mass 71 Ga = 70.9 amu
2016-05-24 6:07 pm
The AMU is calculated by adding the atomic masses of all isotopes, and their relative proportions. Cl-35 weighs 35 AMU and Cl-37 weighs 37 AMU. Because the given AMU is closer to 25 than it is to 37, you know Cl-35 is much more common.

收錄日期: 2021-04-27 18:33:01
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