✔ 最佳答案
很簡短便可, 說明孩子何時退學, 略提原因, 最後禮貌地結束
Dear Mrs. xx (多數是校長)
I write to to inform you that Mei Mei Wong, our daughter, will have to be withdrawn from XXX Kindergarten from 1 May 2008 for the reason that our family is relocating to xxxx. We wish to thank you and your staff for your loving care of Mei Mei, and wish you every success.
John and Mary Wong (以父母 X 先生X太太 的名義發信)
-- 搬屋是最常見, 也是最得體的理由
-- 幼稚園的孩子談不上接受甚麼 "教誨", 感謝老師的愛護便夠