知唔知唔駛換電嘅 CASIO BABY-G / G-SHOCK 手錶邊度有得買?

2008-06-26 5:07 am
知唔知唔駛換電嘅 CASIO BABY-G / G-SHOCK 手錶邊度有得買?
最好可以提供型號 / 價錢 / 地址 比我啦!

真係有嫁!如果我冇記錯,應該係光動力 / 動力錶嚟嫁!即係好似平時個D自動錶咁,帶就會有電,唔帶一段時間就會停嫁!

回答 (2)

2008-06-26 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You must be confused. Very confused.
FYI there is NO such thing as 唔駛換電嘅 G-Shock/Baby-G. Such models use solar power and store power to the rechargable battery inside. The rechargable battery concerned does have a life span which, after very long use, will lose the ability to store power fully. When that happens the rechargable battery has to be replaced by the official distributor.
I suggest you first visit Javys' showroom in central and/or TST to get more understanding on the Tough Solar model range. After you clear up things a bit, you can go back to 信和 to buy what you want.
2008-08-07 5:37 pm



匯率 1:4 台幣 ^0^

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