改善英文行動二十. 希望大家盡力幫忙

2008-06-26 4:48 am

Do you think music lessons are important?

Yes, I think music lessons are important. Teaching students learn different kind of skills that are the duty of school. If some students are talent in music, the music lessons probably can help themselves to discover their talent. Apart from that, music also can cultivate students' mind. Lastly, music lessons can help students to relax from tire in other boring lessons. Now, do you also think music lessons are important, don't you?

回答 (3)

2008-06-26 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. "Teaching students learn different kind of skills that are the duty of school." should be written as "Teaching students to learn different kind of skills is the duty of the school."
"Teaching students to learn different kind of skills" is the subject of the sentence.
"to learn" is an infinitive to modify 'teaching'.
We do not need a "that" there.
Since the subject of the sentence is 'teaching...', not 'skills', therefore the verb should be 'is', not 'are'.

2. "If some students are talent in music, the music lessons probably can help themselves to discover their talent."
Talent is a noun. Talented is an adjective.
"music lessons", not "the music lessons". This is the informal use of a plural noun to make a generalisation.
The subject of this sentetnce is 'music lessons', not 'some students'. "Themselves" means 'the music lessons themselves'. Should say 'them'.
After some verbs like 'make', 'see', 'help' etc, we can use bare infinitives instead of to-infinitives.

3. "music can also" instead of "music also can".

4. " Lastly, music lessons can help students to relax from tire in other boring lessons."
"help students relax" instead of "to relax". Use bare infinitive after "help".
"after taking" instead of "from tire in".

5. " Now, do you also think music lessons are important, don't you?"
"agree that" instead of "also think"
If you want to use a question tag, say "Now you agree that music lessons are important, don't you?" Question tags go after statements, not questions.

I am a private English tutor. You might think that you have made too many mistakes. Don’t worry. You are doing fine. The mistakes you have made are common among students. Read more and review the grammar rules from time to time. Believe me, it really helps.
2008-06-26 9:32 am
Teaching students learn different kind of skills that are the duty of schools.錯
Teaching students to learn different kind of skills are the duties of schools.對

learn 前面果個 "to" 有一個 "去" 既意思

to learn different kind of skill (去學習不同的技能)

同埋; teaching students 係一個 動名詞短語 ( Gerund Phrase)

******動名詞短語後面一定唔可以直接加動詞 !!!!

如果你唔知乜野係 Gerund, 就去呢個網喇!


- learn different kind of skills 後面唔駛加 *that*

好果唔係個意思就變左 :

教導學生去學習不同技能*它*是學校的責任 [語法錯]

duty 同 school 眾數 !!!!!!! [ 你不是指一樣東西,明白嗎?]


If some students are talent(天資) in music 錯
If some students are talented (有天賦的) in music 對

如果有些學生在音樂天資 [錯]
如果有些學生在音樂有天賦的 [對]

**** 唔好以為talented 係 past tense, 佢係形容詞黎架 !!!!

the music lessons probably can help themselves to discover their talent 錯
the music lessons probably can help themselves discover their talents 對

help 後面的動詞 discover 前面不用加 to !! 死背 !!!

例子: Can you help me close the windows, please?

their talents, 他們的天資們*** 有s 架!! 眾數 !! ^^

music lessons can help students to relax from tire (車輪) 錯
music lessons can help students to relax from tiredness (疲勞) 對

do you also think music lessons are important, don't you? 錯
你們都覺得音樂堂是很重要的嗎, 不是嗎?

do you also think music lessons are important? 對

Yes, I think music lessons are important. Teaching students to learn different kind of skills are the duties of schools. If some students are talented in music, the music lessons probably can help themselves discover their talents. Apart from that, music also can cultivate students' mind. Lastly, music lessons can help students to relax from tiredness in other boring lessons. Now, do you also think music lessons are important?


2008-06-26 10:57:52 補充:



Teaching students(動名詞短語) is (動詞) reallly difficult.

Teaching students learn different kind of skills

教導學生學習不同的技能 ( 句子怪怪的)
參考: myself and google, .
2008-06-26 4:54 am
Do you think music lessons are important? <- the original question? if not, music lessons -> should not be lesson"s" ....

Yes, I think music lessons are important. ( Teaching students learn different kind of skills that are the duty of school. If some students are talent in music, the music lessons probably can help themselves to discover their talent. Apart from that, music also can cultivate students' mind. Lastly, music lessons can help students to relax from tire in other boring lessons. Now, do you also think music lessons are important, don't you) ? ->( need to answer it by essay or sentence ? seems it is Chinese Eng & speech )

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