CU Sociology VS HKU Faculty of Social Science

2008-06-26 3:28 am
我係中六生,我想讀social science。
本身我會考有20分以上,報中大會有優勢d,而且cu soci都係大系,教學資源會多d同全面d。但係始終hku既名氣大d,所以難以取捨。
希望各位師兄師姐比d意見,比較一下CU Sociology同HKU Faculty of Social Science,教學上,名氣上,出路上......

thank you!!!!

回答 (3)

2008-06-29 12:14 pm
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你好, 我現在讀緊CU soci...路過且盡量解答你的問題啦~希望幫到你填jupas!

雖然我唔明白你講cu soci係大系點解, 但我覺得cu soci在教育資源和師資方面都比hku好(不過我無在hku讀過, 始終知得唔夠全面)...CU soci有幾多星級教授, 但有部份有名的教授將會退休...

至於名氣方面呀...大可不用理會吧, 況且是HKU和CU...該沒太大分別..要考慮名氣, 不如考慮兩間U的成個氣氛...有一個好多人都認為的分別就是: HKU的人較高傲, 積極進取, 團結; CU的人較純樸, 平民化...當然不能以偏概全, 這只是大體的看法...

另外, CU soci同HKU social science都幾唔同, HKU第一年要讀不同social sciences的科目, yr2先揀你想major甚麽....睇下你鍾唔鍾意呢個制度啦要..

最後....出路就係做乜都得啦, 呢句唔係廢話黎, 因為soci唔係一門專科, 你都唔會話可以搵到相對的職業......就當是大學畢業的學歷吧..我諗你都唔係因為想做乜職業而想讀soci架???????!

P.S. 考好你的AL, 呢幾年收生愈黎愈高!
參考: 自己
2008-06-26 8:15 am

Actually I think this is a very good question. I particularly appreciate the second part of your question because you have narrowed down what you are looking for.

Yap, you have to know what do you want before making the first step.

You have addressed that HKU is being more venerable. Well, I do not wish to challenge you but academically it is not exactly true. You may consult a number of authoritative rankings. To remain objective and neutral I do not wish to make any reccomendation although I used to be a reference librarian (professional information provider)

At this point, you may check with local public libraries or academic libraries and consult their librarians at the reference counter. Make no mistake about it, do not look for library officers or library assistants. Only a fully qualified librarian can provide informed and professional advice. In fact, a fully qualified academic librarian has to possess a Master of Library Science (MLS) and a second master degree. I do!

In America, an academic librarian carries the same academic title as teaching faculty. That is to say, if you read their university prospectus, you can see all librarians carry the title ranging from instructor, assistant professor all the way up to full professor. And they have to teach too.

Getting back to your question, you may ask an academic librarian for reliable and authoritative resources on world univerity rankings.

In many titles, HKCU is ranked better than HKU because HKCU is a research oriented university. HKU is more venerable than HKCU simply because they have a track record of attracting top students.

The reason is pretty much do with the colonial history of Hong let it be bygone.

By and large, if you wish to further your academic work (such as getting a PhD) and develop an academic career, I believe HKCU is a better choice. However, if you wish to join the corporate sector, I guess you can develop a better network in the HKU.

Samuel Khou

2008-06-26 19:50:17 補充:
sorry about the typo
2008-06-26 4:58 am
World's Top Universities in Social Sciences - Hong Kong

School Name
Social Score

University of HONG KONG
Hong Kong

The CHINESE University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong

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