
2008-06-25 11:09 pm
If 12345765432 = a(a + 1) then a =______________
If 12345987654 = b(b – 3) then b =___________

回答 (3)

2008-06-26 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
a^2 + a - 12345765432 = 0
a = 111111 or - 111112

b^2 -3b - 12345987654 = 0
b = 111114 or -111111

we know if ax^2 + bx +c = 0 = [x-(z1)][x-(z2)]
z1*z2 = c/a
2008-06-26 12:30 am
12345765432=33411 x 369512
Therefore, sqrt(12345765432) = sqrt(33411) x sqrt(369512) = 182.78 x 607.87.
By quadratic equation formula,
a= {-1 +/- sqrt[1 + 4 x 12345765432]}/2 = {-1 +/- (2 x sqrt(12345765432)}/2
= -0.5 +/- sqrt(12345765432) = -0.5 +/- 182.78 x 607.87 = -0.5 +/- (111111.46).
Therefore a = 111111 or -111112.
Same method can be used to solve the second question.
2008-06-25 11:11 pm

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