english grammar

2008-06-25 11:04 pm
a.the yellow lines on the map represent minor roads

b. the yellow lines represent minor roads on the map.

what is the difference between a & b...?

回答 (5)

2008-06-26 12:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Grammatically, both a and b are correct.
Sentence b does not make sense.
Yellow lines on the map - the meaning is obvious. 地圖上的黄色線。
If we put "on the map" after minor roads, readers may read it as "minor roads on the map". Obviously, minor roads are what the yellow lines represent. Minor roads on the map means 地圖上的小路. In fact, minor roads do not exist on the map. Minor roads are only represented by yellow lines on the map.

2008-06-30 10:28:14 補充:

雖然在英語中,sentence structure可以調來調去,但如果理解on the map 是用來修飾minor roads的話,則在邏輯上是有問題。因為(a)the yellow lines on the map represent minor roads是完全沒有問題,而(b) the yellow lines represent minor roads on the map,有機會令人誤會是指黄色線代表地圖上的小路,小路並非在地圖上,只能在地圖上以黄色線代表。
2008-06-30 6:07 am
sentence A shows clearly you are reading the map.

sentence B is acceptable too but A is better and clearer
2008-06-27 4:56 am
grammar correct
but sentence b do not make sence.


參考: me
2008-06-25 11:52 pm
The 2 sentences [a] and [b]:

1- Is written correctly.
2- Is written in a different way.

Hope I can help you!
參考: myself
2008-06-25 11:25 pm
I don't know technically/grammatically why. But a. is more natural, at least to me..

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