partial pressure

2008-06-25 10:46 pm
A mixture of gases has a volume composition 40% N2, 35% O2 and 25% CO2.

If CO2 is removed by NaOH,
assuming the volume of container remains unchanged after the reaction,
will the partial pressure of O2 and N2 change?
volume ratio remains unchanged, so mole fraction remains unchanged

mole fraction = mole of N2orO2 / total mole
total mole increase or decrease,
it depends on whether mole fraction increase or decrease

which one is correct?

回答 (1)

2008-06-25 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Will the partial pressure of O2 and N2 change?

No, they will not change.

Explanation 1:
The partial pressure of O2/N2 is the pressure that the gas exerts if O2/N2 is present alone in the same container at the same temperature. Since the number of moles of of O2/N2 and all other conditions are constant, the partial pressure of O2/N2 remains unchanged.

Experiment 2:
For O2 or N2: Partial pressure, p = nRT/V
All of the number of moles of O2/N2 (n), gas constant (R), temperature (T) and volume (V) are constant, the partial pressure remains unchanged.

(1) volume ratio remains unchanged, so mole fraction remains unchanged.

(1) is incorrect.
Both the volume fraction and mole fraction are changed.

Before CO2 is absorbed:
Volume ratio N2 : O2­ : CO2 = 40 : 35 : 25
Mole fraction of N2 = (40/100) x 100% = 40%
Mole fraction of O2 = (35/100) x 100% = 35%
Mole fraction of CO2 = (25/100) x 100% = 25%

After CO2 is absorbed:
Volume fraction of N2 : O2 : CO2 = 40 : 35 : 0
Mole fraction of N2 = (40/75) x 100% = 53.3%
Mole fraction of O2 = (35/75) x 100% = 46.7%

(2) mole fraction = mole of N2orO2 / total mole
(2) total mole increase or decrease,
(2) it depends on whether mole fraction increase or decrease

(2) is incorrect.

Mole fraction of N2/O2 = (No. of moles of N2/O2) / (Total no. of moles)
The mole fraction of N2/O2 is a dependent variable.

In other words, the mole fraction of N2/O2 depends on its number of moles and the total number of moles. It is incorrect to state that "the total number of moles does not depend on the mole fraction."

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