Earthquake Question(Very Easy)

2008-06-25 9:55 pm
Please use English to answer these question(簡短D)!!!
Q1.How many people died in the Sichuan earthquake?(大約)

Q2.What is the time when Tongshan Earthquake?(大約)

Q3.When was the Tongshan earthquake happened?(日期)

Q4.The earthquake caused by what?(簡短D)!!!

Q5.How long does the Sichuan earthquake happened?

回答 (2)

2008-06-29 7:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q1.How many people died in the Sichuan earthquake?(大約)
A1.Official figures state that 69,185 are confirmed dead, with 18,467 listed as missing in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

Q2.What is the time when Tongshan Earthquake?(大約)
A2.The Tangshan earthquake hit in the early morning, at 03:42:53.8 local time

Q3.When was the Tongshan earthquake happened?(日期)
A3.The Tangshan earthquake occurred on July 28, 1976.

Q4.The earthquake caused by what?(簡短D)!!!
A4.The earthquake occurred as the result of motion on a northeast striking reverse fault or thrust fault on the northwestern margin of the Sichuan Basin. The earthquake’s epicenter and focal-mechanism are consistent with it having occurred as the result of movement on the Longmenshan fault or a tectonically related fault. The earthquake reflects tectonic stresses resulting from the convergence of crustal material slowly moving from the high Tibetan Plateau, to the west, against strong crust underlying the Sichuan Basin and southeastern China.

Q5.How long does the Sichuan earthquake happened?

2008-06-29 11:30:37 補充:
Q5.How long does the Sichuan earthquake happened?
A5. Sichuan Wenchuan 8.0 magnitude of earthquake breakage time 80 seconds, breakage length 216km. (Sees animation breakage process)
2008-06-27 5:12 am
A1. 69,000 peoples died 18,000 still missing.
A2. 03:42:53.8
A3. July 28, 1976
A4. An Earthquake is a sudden tremor or movement of the earth's crust, which originates naturally at or below the surface.
A5.The first quake last 45 seconds

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