
2008-06-25 8:48 pm

回答 (3)

2008-06-25 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you want to understand quantum mechanics, you must have the following knowledges:

1) Good undersetanding of classical wave functions and and using differential equations and Integrations to solve classical wave functions

2) F7 pure maths and applied maths are not enough. You must find a book call Mathematics for physicscist. It covers the knowledge for first year Mathematics in Univerisity if you study Mathematics as your major.

3) Even if you can do the maths., you still need to understand and use the opertors functions in Quantumn mechancis and understand the physical meaning behin them.

Even if you are a genius, you cannot self study it by yourself without a good tutor.

Do you know that Albert Enistein once refused to believe Quantumn mechanics? This is one of the great scentific mistake he made in his life.

To understand Quantumn mechanics, you need to at least buy 5 to 6 books which is univeristy level.

Best regards,
2008-07-02 2:19 am
2008-06-28 9:14 am
A very good book on quantum mechanics is the famous [Feynman Lectures on Physics] written by the late Richard Feynman, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the California Institute of Technology in the USA. As you may have known that Prof. Feynman is a distinguish physicist in quantum electrodynamics, and a Nobel Prize winner in physics.

The Feynman Lectures consists of three volumes, volume 3 is on Quantum Mechanics (Vol. 1 is on mechanics, waves and heat; vol.2 is on electromagetism). The three volumes are based on the lectures given by Prof. Feynman to first and second year physics students at Cal.Tech. (which is similar to first year undergraduate level at the British university system). It should be understandable by you if you have already acquired the mathematics as described in your question.

There is Chinese translation of the book, try to search for 費曼物理講義 - 第三卷(量子力學)。

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