在數碼相機中View的相片色彩會 不 準確嗎﹖﹖

2008-06-25 7:36 pm

(應該唔關output事,因為我用card reader開張卡來睇,張相本身已經係咁暗暗的。但入返相機再睇時,卻又好靚的......)



回答 (4)

2008-06-26 12:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-06-26 3:24 am
There are a few things you need to note. If you think all these do not matter to you, well, you are WRONG.
a. An LCD screen on a DC cannot be calibrated. You can only adjust the brightness and contrast at best. How you look at such small monitor also affects the way the image is presented. When examining images from a DC monitor you should look at the screen directly and horizontally, not from an elevating or depressing angle;
b. When shooting, always adjust the camera's LCD screen's brightness and contrast levels. It's preferred you do so every time you shoot. Some camera models have greyscale bars to assist you in adjusting brightness/contrast. You should adjust the LCD so that ALL greyscale bars can be displayed without problems (such as highlight/shadow clipping);
c. If your DC has a live histogram, USE IT every time you shoot. Otherwise, view your photo after you shoot, along with the playback histogram turned on. When utilised properly, it will ensure that you'll get correct exposure for your shots. You'll however need to learn how to interpret a histogram to full extent, there are cases when you can be fooled by a histogram reading, depending on the type of exposure;
d. The computer monitor plays an important role in ensuring correct colour rendition in today's modern digital workflow. Without proper calibration, you will be fooled by the monitor into adjusting your pictures the WRONG way, further messing up output. You will however need calibration hardware/software to calibrate and profile your monitor -- not just blindly do it based on your own guesstimation -- and must do it from time to time to ensure the colours are consistent.
To summarise: if you want good results on your photos, you should make sure that both your camera LCD and computer monitor are properly adjusted and calibrated.
2008-06-25 8:49 pm
2008-06-25 8:46 pm



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