點 解 : 香 港 政 府 唔 同 我 哋 向 佢 提 抗 議 ?

2008-06-25 6:21 pm
點 解 :

我 哋 香 港 市 民 陳 巧 文 要 出 去 外 國,

想 到 澳 門 機 場 上 機 !

點 知>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

請 問 :

澳 門 政 府 咁 唔 比 面 我 哋 市 民,

香 港 政 府 用 不 用 抗 議 ?

回答 (2)

2008-06-25 7:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Yes, you are right. However, an appropiate reason is required for that (and it is that government's responsibility to explain that reason).

Hong Kong is a civilised citiy with an excellent legal system (unlike uncivilised countries like China with virtually no fair legal system at all), and it should protest on behalf of us.

This event clearly demonstrated China's unwarranted influence upon us and the policy of "one country two systems" is simply a sham.

Maybe it is time for us to accept that Mark Roberti was right after all, and it is indeed "the fall of Hong Kong".....
2008-06-25 6:32 pm

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