Can I earn Asia Miles if...(Help! Help! Help!)

2008-06-25 4:14 pm
I joined Asia Miles just two days ago. (23/6) Is it possible for me to earn miles by mailing the e-ticket and the boarding pass of a trip I took in March 08? I know it's possible for members to earn miles through trips taken not more than 6 months ago. Is it the case for me? The point is, I was not a member back in March when I purchased the tickets.

Thanks if anyone can help!

回答 (1)

2008-06-26 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
一般情況是可以要求補發六個月內的里數沒錯,但在亞洲萬里通會員指南第 10.6 條列明
簡單來說,你在 6 月申請成為會員,最多只能追回 5 月份內的里數。「旅遊紀錄」是指乘機的時間,不是購票的時間。
3 月份的登機證 -- 對不起,在你的 case 不能追回里數積分。
順便提提你,其他兩大航空聯盟 star alliance 和 skyteam ,一般只可以成為會員後才可儲分,連一個月追溯期都沒有!
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